84.5% of Sanglah Hospital's Patients Expressed Satisfaction with the Student Services (Residents) Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University

RSUP Sanglah conveyed the results of a satisfaction survey conducted by the Education, Research and Training Agency of RSUP Sanglah online (23/12/2021). Staff and patients at Sanglah Hospital in general expressed satisfaction with the services provided by students (Residents) of FK Unud with survey results of 84.5% for patient satisfaction and 90.5% for staff satisfaction at Sanglah Hospital.


This event was held as a means of socializing and discussing the results of a survey conducted by Sanglah Hospital in order to improve service quality and produce better graduate residents.


PLT Director of Human Resources, Education and Research Sanglah Hospital - Dr. dr. Ketut Ariawati, Sp.A (K) expressed his hope that the Dean of FK Unud and the President Director of Sanglah Hospital would provide a follow-up to the survey results at this event. So that the education and service processes at Sanglah Hospital really become one for the continuity of services and good graduates.



This event was also attended by the President Director of RSUP - dr. I Wayan Sudana, M.Kes., Dean of FK Unud - Dr.dr.Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes and Coordinators of Specialist Study Programs at Unud Medical Faculty/Sanglah Hospital.


On this occasion, the Dean of Medical Faculty said "This survey is very good to improve service and quality of education, this survey is not to find mistakes or shortcomings, but as an evaluation process of what we have done so far for future improvements." Januartha said.



This survey was conducted not only assessing satisfaction with resident services, but also assessing resident satisfaction with the educational situation at Sanglah Hospital in order to obtain optimal results to improve the quality of services and graduates.