Doctoral Study Program of Cultural Studies Faculty of Cultural Sciences Udayana University Conducts Community Service at the Pendet Museum, Ubud, Gianyar, Bali

The Doctoral Study Program in Cultural Studies, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Udayana University (Unud) carried out community service activities (PKM) at the Pendet Museum, Ubud District, Gianyar Regency, Saturday, February 26, 2022. The theme was "Cultural Industry: Art Defense in a Pandemic Period in Indonesia". Ubud".

The activity was led by the Head of the Doctoral Study Program for Cultural Studies, Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Dharma Putra, M.Litt., which was attended by S-2 and S-3 students class 2021/2002, lecturers, and a number of artists in Ubud and its surroundings. Such as visual artists, videographers, graphic artists, performances and curators. The total number of service participants reached 50 people and was filled with various materials, one of which was digital literacy for artists during the current pandemic. Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Darma Putra, M.Litt., said that the PKM program is a collaboration between the S-3 Cultural Studies Study Program and the Pendet Museum. The location was chosen because the Pendet Museum is a unique museum in the history of museum development in Bali. Although the location and size of the museum is relatively small, the value of the works displayed there is enormous. Meanwhile, the Head of Master's Degree Study Program for Cultural Studies, Dr. I Wayan Tagel Eddy said that culture is closely related to people's lives. Culture is not only art and beauty, but also a space for negotiating power.

The Chair of the PKM Committee, Wayan Nuriarta said that the purpose of this activity was to provide solutions based on academic studies in the field of cultural studies on the needs, challenges, and problems faced by artist groups in Ubud. PKM is also expected to provide information on capacity building for groups of artists in Ubud, in order to support the development of arts and culture and community welfare. "Through this activity as well as to obtain feedback and input for the Cultural Studies Doctoral Program, in order to increase the relevance of education, from practitioners and experts," he explained. The PkM activity was filled with a review of the Museum's collection, discussion of the collection during the review, and a special discussion on the "Cultural Industry" with three resource persons, namely Dr. Ketut Muka Short (museum manager/ Lecturer at ISI Denpasar), and two students of Cultural Studies, Richard Togaranta Ginting and I Kadek Puriartha. The discussion was guided by AA Gde Agung Dalem. In his presentation entitled “The Concept of Art Past and Present”, Dr. Muka Pendet conveys the history of the relationship between art and the social and religious life as well as the commercial community. "Although there has been a change in the context of creating in the history of Balinese art, the role of art as a supporter of spiritual and religious activities in Bali has helped make the arts develop steadily and dynamically," said the alumnus of the Unud Masters Degree in Cultural Studies.

Richard in his presentation “Digital Culture: Introducing Indonesian Art and Culture through Digital Literacy” encouraged artists, students, and citizens in general to be diligent in introducing the arts and culture of the archipelago through digital media. The promotional value is very high, because the audience can be interested and will really visit.

Kadek Puriartha in his presentation "Virtual Bali Art in a Pandemic Period" said that the pandemic hampered various art activities. For example, an art group owned in Singapadu had to perform to fulfill an invitation to Paris but was canceled due to the pandemic. Lecturer of S-3 Cultural Studies at Udayana University, Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Weda Kusuma, M.S., who was present, praised the creativity of Balinese artists in remaining creative in a pandemic situation through the creation of virtual art. Another lecturer, Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Suarka, M.Hum., said that the preservation of Balinese art occurred because of the ability of artists and culturalists to carry out the transformation. "There are two key words, namely transformation and partnership. Today, in the digital era, no one can work alone but definitely requires a collaboration partner," said Prof. beacon. The discussion lasted for two hours. On that occasion, discussions about the history of Balinese art, the lives of artists, the benefits of art for social life, cultural literacy, digital literacy, and Balinese virtual art during the pandemic.