Udayana University received an audience of PT. Kimia Farma, Tbk.

Monday, August 22, 2022, at the Jimbaran Campus Rectorate Building, Dean of the MIPA Faculty Dra. Ni Luh Watiniasih, M.Sc., Ph.D with the Head of BAKH Unud Drs. I GN Indra Kecapa, M.Ed representing the Vice Chancellor for Planning, Cooperation and Information received an audience from the Director of Marketing, Research & Development of PT Kimia Farma Dr. Jasmini Karsono and the Team. Also present in the hearing were the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Unud and the Cooperation Section of Unud.

We are very grateful for the collaboration with PT Kimia Farma Tbk, with this we can facilitate our students to be better in the future. And so that many more collaborations are established between FMIPA UNUD and PT KIMIA FARMA, Tbk. Watiniasih said in her speech.

Responding to Watiniasih's remarks, Jasmine Karsono, Ph.D - Director of Marketing, Research & Development said "It's true like you said, there are lots of collaborations that we will do. Our main goal here. To reset together. For students' children too".

In this hearing, it was discussed plans for cooperation from joint research to downstream commercial products resulting from research. The head of BAKH on this occasion hoped that this collaboration would be added to the MBKM internship. Kimia Farma welcomes this offer, where this internship program can later be carried out in industrial factories, pharmacies, as well as in the research & development division. The Pharmacy Coordise also added that there are several researches from pharmacy lecturers that are ready to be downstreamed.

This hearing was followed by lectures which were held for two days taking place in the MIPA Faculty Meeting Room and in the BH Building of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University. Guest Lecture on the first day attended by Mrs. Dr. Jasmin Karsono, Director of Marketing, Research & Development of PT Kimia Farma with the topic Innovation of Pharmaceutical Industry in a Disruption Era. This hybrid lecture was attended by around 73 participants from Pharmacy Study Programs, Biology Study Programs, Chemistry at Udayana University, as well as from Other Universities.

Furthermore, in the second day guest lecture which was held on August 23, 2022, presenting Apt. Hendra Farma Johar, M.Si with the topic of Diversity management which discusses the diversity of the world of work, including how to manage various skills, how to improve innovation, manage skills and various other abilities. In this guest lecture, Pharmacy Study Program students were very enthusiastic in listening to the presentation from the beginning to the end.

Guest Lecturer Day 1

Guest Lecturer Day 2