Postgraduate Health Law Masters Study Program at Udayana University Holds Guest Lecture "Health Law Issues"

Denpasar - The Postgraduate Program at Udayana University (Unud) held a Guest Lecture with the theme "Implications of Regulatory Changes to the Health Law on Issues in Health Law in Indonesia" at the Hall of the Postgraduate Building Unud Campus Sudirman Denpasar, Tuesday (27/6/2023).

This guest lecture presented four speakers namely Dr. dr. I B.G. Fajar Manuaba, Sp.OG., MARS (Chair of Makersi Bali 2023-2026), dr. Hadiwijaya, MPH., M.HKes (doctor/practitioner/organiser), Dr. Rimawati, SH., M.Hum (Head of MHKes Study Program UGM) and Dr. Lufsiana, SH., MH (Judge for Corruption at the Bandung High Court) and as moderator Dr. I Gusti Ayu Putri Kartika, SH., MH (Wadir II Postgraduate University of Udayana University). The material presented included how hospitals deal with regulations, why the Omnibuslaw Health Bill is a problem, the role of the Health Law Masters Study Program in the development of issues regarding changes to the Health Law and the Omnibus Law Health Bill.

Chairman of the Organizing Committee Prof. RA Tuty Kuswardhani who is also the Coordinator of the Health Law Masters Study Program said that there were 180 registered participants for this activity, and what this guest lecture wants to convey is that our vision and mission are the same, becoming one that this is Indonesia with advanced medical tourism, full of legal protection. and how to protect the law against local and foreign workers. He hopes that this activity can become a discourse and understanding that can be used and beneficial for daily life or work.

Plt Director of the Postgraduate Program of Unud Prof. I Wayan Budiasa in his remarks said that Udayana University postgraduates currently manage six study programs and this activity is organized by the Health Law Masters study program. His party appreciated this activity in accordance with the theme raised which was hotly discussed together and this time it was carried out at Unud. Competent informants are expected to be willing to make a contribution, especially for students, namely Master of Health Law students to get learning related to health law practices and research opportunities that students will work on later. Then it is also related to projections of possible disputes that will occur with health practices that will occur in the future.

"Hopefully at this guest lecture we will get enlightening content from the speakers so that later we can enrich the competence of the students of the Master of Health Law program, that is our biggest hope," said Prof. Budiasa.

Meanwhile the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja representing the Rector of Udayana University in his remarks as well as opening the event said that talking about health is a very important thing because it relates to human rights and one of the elements of welfare that must be realized in accordance with the ideals of our nation what is meant in Pancasila and of course the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution. Therefore every activity and effort to improve health status is very important for the formation of Indonesian human resources, increasing the resilience and competitiveness of the nation and national development. For this reason, his party warmly welcomes the holding of guest lectures involving great speakers in their fields. The academic community of Udayana University and the Health Law Masters Program in particular are obliged to contribute in identifying and enriching analyzes related to health law issues and are obliged to provide enlightenment to the public regarding issues of a just healthy and prosperous life.

"Therefore this guest lecture is very important, we really support things like this, hopefully this will become an ongoing program for us to make analyzes or make breakthroughs to complement what is in the lecture hall," said the Vice Rector.