Lecturers are Required to Fill Out a Performance Plan and Performance Report through SISTER

Udayana University through the Human Resources Section of the General Bureau held a Refresher Socialization and Equality in Perception of BKD Assessors at Udayana University which took place in a hybrid manner from the main location point of the Syhala Hotel Ubud, Monday (24/01/2022). This socialization was carried out in connection with the letter from the Director of Resources of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology number 1584/E4/KK.00/2021 regarding the Implementation of the Operational Guidelines for Lecturer Workloads (PO-BKD) in 2021.

Prof. Dr. dr. Anak Agung Wiradewi Lestari, S.Ked, Sp.PK as the Chair of the implementing committee conveyed in accordance with the letter from the Director of Resources of the Ministry of Education and Technology dated February 2, 2021 that the 2021 PO-BKD will be implemented starting in June 2021 and no later than February 2022 or odd semester 2021/ 2022. In this case, each lecturer is required to fill out a performance plan and performance report through the SISTER of their respective colleges. "We as the Udayana University BKD TEAM have the task to prepare for the implementation of these provisions, one of the forms of which is the socialization held today," said the Chairman of the Committee.

The Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance, who is represented by the Head of the General Bureau, Ni Made Pertami Susilawati, conveyed that the purpose of this socialization was to increase the accountability of lecturers in carrying out their duties and obligations. Through this socialization, it is hoped that the lecturers will gain knowledge in filling out the BKD.

The BKD Team from the Kemendikbudristek was present as resource persons, namely Iwan Winardi as the Career Coordinator of Educators and Education Personnel with material on the 2021 BKD Policy Direction, Prof. Eko Hadi Sujiono with material for the 2021 BKD Operational Guidelines Matrix, Rizky Tito Prasetyo with the SISTER BKD application material, Santi Sayanti Agustina with material for Introduction to the BKD Assessor Candidate Test and Puput Puspita - Rakhman as a guide for competency tests, skills tests, and administration of BKD Assessor Candidate activities .