TechConnect Sinar Mas Mining will host the TechConnect competition Sandbox 2023

In order to foster the spirit of student achievement and capture the best talent, TechConnect Sinar Mas Mining will hold the TechConnect Sandbox 2023 competition. Registration will be carried out online until May 7 2023, the 20 best teams that have passed the selection will take part in the final demo day stage which will be held in Bali in June 2023 Offline. This competition is open to the public, students, fresh graduates, and professionals can participate. Participants who win will receive attractive prizes and a golden ticket, the opportunity to work together as project collaborators with TechConnect Sinar Mas Mining. There are 8 competition categories that can be followed, namely:


  1. New Web Feature for Product Development Research
  2. Metaverse-based Application for New Hire Onboarding
  3. Wellness Application For Employee Health & Wellbeing
  4. Metaverse-based Company Website
  5. New Feature for Peer-to-Peer Recognition (360 Feedback)
  6. A Team Collaboration Tool for Day-to-Day Project Management
  7. New Feature for Game-based Assessment Platform
  8. A Game-based Employee Experience Platform