Informatics, Chemistry, and Biology students won the best PKM design in 3 Big Event PKM FMIPA

3 Big Event PKM FMIPA 2023 is a work program of the FMIPA Student Executive Board (BEM) in the Field of Education and Reasoning to oversee PKM within the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University which aims to develop creative and innovative ideas for students at FMIPA so that they can be poured into PKM so that students are created Creative, innovative and highly competitive FMIPA. The 3 big events consisted of 3 series of activities, namely PKM Initiation (Program Kreatifitas Mahasiswa-Student Creativity Program), PKM PPP (Pelatihan Penulisan Proposal- Proposal Writing Training), and PKM PPL (Pelatihan Penulisan Laporan-Report Writing Training). The implementation is carried out sequentially.


The first activity, namely the 2023 FMIPA PKM Initiation itself, is an activity to introduce PKM to new FMIPA students. The 2023 FMIPA PKM Initiation was held on Saturday, March 25 to Sunday, March 26, 2023 at 09.00 WITA. This activity consisted of 69 committee members and was attended by 311 participants. This activity, which was carried out offline via a Zoom meeting, presented lecturers from various study programs within FMIPA as resource persons, namely: Dr. Ni Luh Suriani, S.Si, M.Si, Dr. Sang Ketut Sudirga, S.Si, M.Si, Dr. Drs. I Gusti Agung Gede Bawa, M.Si, and Ni Putu Linda Laksmiani, S.Farm, M.Si, Apt. The event started with the presentation of the first material, isbama, ice breaking, the presentation of the second material, and ended with a posttest.


Furthermore, at this event the committee gave individual assignments in the form of a PKM idea design as the output of the activity. This assignment was then assessed and the 3 best PKM design ideas consecutively from first best to third best were won by:

  1. I Gusti Ngurah Bagus Lanang Purbhawa from the Informatics Study Program class of 2022 with the title "Application of Machine Control Technology with Mind",
  2. Putu Savitri Satyarani from the Chemistry Study Program class of 2022 with the title "Testing the Effectiveness of Biodegradation of Plastic Polymers with Aspergillus Terreus Fungi as Prevention of the Spread of Microplastics in the Marine Environment in the North Kuta Area", and
  3. Ni Kadek Ari Budayati from the Biology Study Program class of 2022 with the title "Utilization of Knob Flowers (Gomphrena Globosa) As Herbal Tea in Preventing Cancer".


Furthermore, the second activity of the 3 Big Event series is PPP PKM FMIPA 2023. This activity is an activity that aims to train FMIPA students in preparing appropriate PKM proposals. Until now PPP PKM has conducted phase I assistance, where later the proposals produced can meet the proposal writing rules and of course have quality substance. The highlight of the PPP PKM event will be held on Saturday, May 27 2023, where the fostered proposals are later expected to represent FMIPA in PKM competitions at the university level and then at the national level.


As the closing of the 3 Big Event activities, PPL PKM FMIPA 2023 will be held which is intended for students who have received funds as a guide or reference for preparing the final activity report. It is expected that the report produced is in accordance with the applicable format and conditions. This event itself has not yet been held because it is waiting for the announcement of the PKM proposal which has been funded by Belmawa.







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