Innovative! Food Technology Students Create Granola Based on Sweet Potato Flakes

Students of the Food Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University created processed sweet potato flakes-based granola. This preparation was created by a group of students who took part in the Independent Entrepreneurship (WMK) activities which are part of the MBKM program and provide opportunities for students to learn and develop themselves as potential entrepreneurs through activities outside the lecture class. The group of students involved in processed sweet potato flakes-based granola was chaired by Kadek Diah Ary Putri and 4 members, namely Ni Made Arini Santi Dewi, I Gusti Ayu Sitiari, Ragil Yosanda, and Gusti Ayu Virga Dewi Mahayani who were under the guidance of the Food Technology Study Program Lecturer namely Putu Julyantika Nica Dewi, S.TP., M.TP.


The innovative product that is made is in the form of granola with sweet potato flakes, because granola itself is a healthy food product that is low in fat, high in fiber and energy. In addition, this granola also uses flakes made from sweet potatoes, where sweet potatoes are one of the main components of the source of fiber and complex carbohydrates in the granola. almonds and sunflower seeds where this granola has a delicious taste and can be consumed by all kinds of people.


The process of making granola consists of 2 stages. The first stage is the stage of making flakes by mixing several ingredients such as purple sweet potato flour, soy flour, powdered sugar, tapioca flour, and salt using boiled water until the dough becomes smooth. After that, flatten the flakes dough with a rolling pin and then bake it on parchment paper that has been smeared with margarine for 15 minutes at 160 degrees Celsius. After the flakes are perfectly cooked which is marked by a change in color and crispiness, the process continues to the second stage, the granola making stage. By mixing several main ingredients such as purple sweet potato flakes, VCO, honey, vanilla extract (liq), almonds, sunflower seeds, oats, cocoa powder, and chocolate bars. Where after all the ingredients are mixed thoroughly, then it is poured into a baking sheet and baked for 25 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius to get the final result in the form of crunchy and delicious granola.


Kadek Diah Ary Putri as the group leader said that the granola business with purple sweet potato flakes arose from the idea of ??how to make cassava processing more attractive and able to meet daily nutritional needs, especially for young children and adolescents. Along with the development of products in the market, granola is a food that is quite popular among the public because it tastes delicious but is also healthy. We innovated by mixing purple sweet potato flakes with granola as our first step in introducing purple sweet potato flakes. Apart from developing local food, we also want to get the benefits of purple sweet potatoes so consumers don't just feel full, she said.