BKM Unud Holds Socialization of Kampus Merdeka Certified Internship and Independent Study

The Student Affairs Bureau of Udayana University held an event "Socialization of the Independent Campus Certified Independent Study and Internship Program (Microcredential). conducted online through Sisco Webex. Thursday (17/6/2021).

This socialization was attended by the Coordinator of the Diploma and Undergraduate Study Programs, 5 Academic Advisors and 10 students from each faculty supervisor at Udayana University. Also attending the event were the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, the Deans, Deputy Dean I, Deputy Dean III, Head of the Student Affairs Bureau, Chair and Secretary of USCC.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. I Made Sudarma, MS in his speech said, Independent Campus Independent Internship is a government program that must be successful through student registration which will be continued later as a certified internship which will of course be recognized by the Ministry of Education and Culture, Ristekdikti. This internship program is very important in increasing the soft skills of students, which are eight MBKM programs, one of which is the Certified Internship Program. In this activity, students are expected to be able to pursue this internship program until they get the expected certificate.

The resource persons in this socialization were Mr. Nurhadi Irbath from the Ministry of Education and Culture, which was guided by the moderator Mrs. Sagung Chandra Yowani, S.Si., Apt., M.Si. from Udayana University.