The Chancellor Gives a Decree on the Appointment of the New SPI UNUD Management

The Chancellor of Udayana University submitted a decree for the appointment of the new Udayana University Internal Supervisory Unit (SPI), Monday (08/02/2021). located in Nusa Room, 3rd Floor, Rectorate Building, Jimbaran Campus. The submission of the SPI SK was also attended by the Deputy Chancellor for General and Finance, Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs, Deputy Chancellor for Planning, Cooperation & Information, as well as the Chairperson, Secretary & Members of SPI Unud, while other invitations were present online via the Cisco Webex application.

Unud Chancellor Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi in his speech thanked Dr. Drs. Ketut Muliartha RM and all the ranks of SPI Udayana University for the period 2017-2021 for their cooperation and dedication during that period. The Chancellor stated that in order to achieve improvement, we must continue to provide guidance and supervision by the leadership in each unit. The Chancellor also hopes that the new SPI chairman can continue and improve the performance that has been done by the previous SPI chairman.

The Secretary of SPI for the 2017-2021 period is held by Dr. Drs. Dewa Gede Wirama, in his report stated that the main activity carried out by SPI every year is internal auditing in the fields of finance, human resources, and state property, while other activities conduct reviews and increase human resource capacity. Starting in 2019, SPI Unud conducts audits by visiting the work unit twice, namely at the beginning of the year and mid-year. The financial audit process by SPI is carried out by verifying documents such as budgets and evidence of use of the budget, besides that SPI also performs cash calculations. The audit is carried out on a sampling basis, where starting in 2020 the sampling size is determined based on the risk analysis assets of each auditee unit.

At the end of the event, a decree was handed over to the new Chairman, Secretary and Members of the Unud Internal Supervisory Unit, namely Dr. Drs. Dewa Gede Wirama as Chairman of SPI, Dr. Ir. I Gusti Agung Adnyana Putra as Secretary of SPI, and Dr. I Gusti Ayu Nyoman Budiasih, S.E., MSi, Made Yeni Latrini, S.E., M.Si, Dr. I Ketut Westra, S.H., M.H, Dr. Made Surya Putra, S.E., MSi, I Wayan Widhiada, S.T., M.Sc, PhD as a Member of SPI.