2 Study Programs at FTP Unud Hold Collaborative Lectures with Industrial Practitioner to Improve Student Academic Abilities

The Agricultural Industrial Technology Study Program and the Food Technology Master's Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University successfully held a Practitioner Lecture Collaboration on Friday 17 November 2023 which took place in the Library Hall, Udayana University Central Library. This activity was attended by students in each study program along with lecturers.


The Practitioner Lecturer presented on this occasion was Ni Nyoman Desi Trisna Dewi from PT. Bali Extract Utama and Mukhlis Bahrainy as CEO of Pachira Group Indonesia, moderated by Lecturer in the Agricultural Industrial Technology Study Program, namely Mrs. Dr. Ir. Luh Putu Wrasiati, M.P. This collaborative practitioner lecture discusses appropriate technology for process engineering of natural materials and its commercialization in the industrial world.


The collaborative lectures between practitioner lecturers that were carried out ran smoothly and students were very enthusiastic about the activities carried out. Apart from that, through this activity students can compare theories obtained in lectures with applicable theories that are directly applied to industry. One of the lecturer representatives, Mrs. Dr. Ir. Luh Putu Wrasiati, M.P. who is also the moderator for this activity, hopes that through this activity, she can provide more information to students regarding appropriate technology used for process engineering of natural materials in industry.