CPNS Selection of Kemenristekdikti in 2018 Bali Province Region Followed by 885 Participants

Denpasar - Selection of CPNS Kemenristekdikti in 2018 Bali Region is held from 15-17 November 2018 at BKN Regional Office X Denpasar with Local Team Joint Team from Udayana University, ISI Denpasar, Undiksha Singaraja, Bali State Polytechnic and LLDIKTI. The selection included Basic Capability Selection (SKD) which was conducted through a Computer Assisted Test (CAT) system with 885 participants divided into six test sessions. CAT is a computer system selection that uses the principle of fast, accountable and transparent and its operation is enough to use the mouse (mouse) to choose the answer that is considered correct. Participants can also directly

SKD material refers to Permen Pan & RB Number 36 Year 2018 concerning Criteria for Determining Civil Servants Needs and Implementation of CPNS Selection in 2018 which includes National Insight Test (TWK), General Intelligence Test (TIU), Personal Characteristics Test (TKP) with a total number of questions 100 and 90 minutes. Graduation limits are in accordance with Permen PAN & RB Number 37 Year 2018 concerning Threshold Limit for Selection of Basic Competency for Procurement of PNS Candidates for 2018 are public, namely TWK 75, TIU 80 and TKP 143. In the selection process participants are only allowed to bring ID cards and Participant Test Cards CAT Test Room.

Rector of Unud, Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi accompanied by the Deputy Rector for General and Financial Affairs had the opportunity to review the selection process. The selection process was also directly monitored by the National Coordination Board of BKN through interviewing representatives of participants who graduated and did not graduate after taking the exam session. The SKD results were submitted by the CAT BKN Admin to the Head of the Unud General Bureau, Drs. Ketut Amoga Sidhi as the coordinator. Of the 885 registered participants as many as 35 people did not take the exam so that the total participants participating in the CAT selection were 850 people. (HM)