'Indonesia Working Together' Civitas Academic Unud Commemorated the Proclamation Day August 17th Through Flag Ceremony

Bukit Jimbaran - Udayana University held the Anniversary of the Proclamation Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia 72nd, August 17th, 2017 in front of Rectorate Building, Bukit Jimbaran Campus. The theme of the commemoration of this Proclamation Day was "Indonesia Working Together" in realizing a sovereign, self-reliant and person-based on gotong royong. The ceremony were followed by the leaders, lecturers, employees and students within the university.  Flag raisers and the Commanders of the Ceremony were from Unud Student Regiment. The Ceremony was also splendid with the appearance of UKM Marching Band that brought the national songs.

Speech from the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education was read by Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Dr. Drh. I Made Damriyasa, MS as the ceremony coach at this ceremony. In his speech, Menristekdikti appealed to the academic community to jointly and build this nation, cooperate, work together, synergize and complement each other to create Indonesia with a united, sovereign, and prosperous. RI HUT-72 at this time should not only be a moment of memorial for us, but a good time to reflect back the achievements we have achieved and prepared for any challenges ahead.

However, behind the achievements we have gained, there are various problems that challenge us both locally, regionally and globally. One of our biggest challenges today is the quality of Human Resources (HR) in Indonesia. Most of the workforce in Indonesia has a low level of education and is categorized as an unskilled labor or low-skilled worker. To respond to these challenges, Kemenristekdikti has set a 2019 strategic goal that we will achieve "Increasing the relevance, quantity and quality of highly educated human resources, and the ability of science and technology and innovation for the excellence of the nation's competitiveness".

However, behind the achievements we have gained, there are various problems that challenge us both locally, regionally and globally. One of our biggest challenges today is the quality of Human Resources (HR) in Indonesia. Most of the workforce in Indonesia has a low level of education and is categorized as an unskilled labor or low-skilled worker. To respond to these challenges, Kemenristekdikti has set a 2019 strategic goal that we will achieve is "Increasing the relevance, quantity and quality of highly educated human resources, and the ability of science and technology and innovation for the excellence of the nation's competitiveness".
Lately, often freedom of expression through social media is misused to break our unity. An irresponsible person abuses social media to spread hatred, insults, sedition, hoax information, and radical understanding. Various conflicts have been and even in progress to test Indonesian unity. In fact, to become an advanced and competitive nation state, then unity is a key prerequisite.
Menristekdikti invites the academic community to return to Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, bringing together state and national unity, sowing responsible freedom, and jointly counteracting radicalism. Because to combat radicalism, we do not need weapons, but good knowledge and education can deny them. In the 72nd anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, let us all work together to continue to build research, technology and higher education with full Integrity, Work Ethics, and Gotong Royong spirit, and always put forward the interests and future of the Indonesian nation.(PR)

(Couch of the Flag Ceremony of the 72nd Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Republic of Indonesia, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. I Made Damriyasa, MS)

(Flag Ceremony followed by the leaders, lecturers, employees and students in the environment Unud)

(Act as Flag Raiser Commander of the Unud Student Regiment and accompanied by a UKM Marching Band performing national anthems)