Signing of MoU Faculty of Economy and Business, Udayana University with TICMI (The Indonesian Capital Market Institute)

Speech of Mr. Tito Sulistyo as President Director of Indonesia Stock Exchange (right) and a speech from Mr. I Nyoman Yasa Mahaendra as the Dean of the Faculty of Economy and Business, Udayana University

Sudirman-Denpasar. Friday, February 17, 2017 conducted at BI Building, Faculty of Economy and Business, Udayana University, a signatory to the cooperation agreement between TICMI with Udayana University has made. The event was attended by Mr. Tito Sulistyo as President Director of Indonesia Stock Exchange, Mr. I Nyoman Yasa Mahaendra as Dean of the Faculty of Economy and Business, and Mrs. Mety Yusantiati TICMI as Director and Lecturers of Finance.

Mr. Tito Sulistyo as President Director of Indonesia Stock Exchange said that the current value of the stock in Indonesia during the day reached 8.9 trillion. It will be targeted to reach 20 trillion per day in the future.  For this reason, when it is seen in the capital markets, Indonesia still has a little investment as it is said that buying a stock for "pennies" had been allowed. This amount is still less compared to Singapore, Malaysia and Philippines; in which Singapore has two times more than Indonesia, Malaysia has four times more, while Philippines has sixth times more. In addition, China has reached 3,200 trillion per day. Therefore, that one thing could be done to make the capital market in Indonesia rise is by increasing the quality of human resources. One of them is through educational institutions.

The Indonesian Capital Market Institute (TICMI) is a professional training institution and capital market established by the Association of Indonesian Capital Market Education (P3MI). TICMI which is a branch of Indonesia Stock Exchange LTd., Clearing and PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia and Indonesian Central Securities Depository Ltd., which committed to education and professional training leading to capital markets which makes them recognized nationally and internationally. TICMI also is the only educational and training institutions capital markets which also organizes professional certification exams in the Indonesian capital market.

At the beginning of 2017, TICMI has scheduled to sign a Memorandum of Understanding to 30 universities in Indonesia and Udayana was the second institution signing this MoU.

The meeting between Faculty of Economy and Business Udayana University with The Indonesian Capital Market (TICMI)

The cooperation between the Indonesian Capital Market (TICMI) with the Faculty of Economiy and Business was a joint program of education capital markets in selected Higher Education, which in a certain period, the college is expected to organize regular educational referring to the syllabus training and certification of Broker Dealer (known as WPPE) independently. TICMI is the only educational and training institutions capital markets which also organizes professional certification exams in the Indonesian capital market. TICMI expected all graduates would help the government to create and develop a dynamic capital market.

In his speech, I Nyoman Yasa Mahaendra as Dean of the Faculty said that through this cooperation  the university would be able to prepare students, especially in the Faculty of Economy and Business, to have great capability. The students would not only obtain the material that has been studied but one of the advantages that was the certificate and they would have capability to have career in capital markets as well.

Besides, Mety Yusantiati as Director of TICMI said that the cooperation between TICMI with Udayana University could run well and her great expectation was the students of the university graduates could have great skills to be a broker dealer.

Under the supervision of the Committee Teaching Standards established by the Chairman of Capital Market Supervisory Agency and Financial Institution No. KEP-518 / BL / 2010 dated 22 November 2010, TICMI has been developing exam questions, teaching modules, and conducting certification exams of profession capital market as part of the requirements to be able to become a Broker Dealer (known as WPPE), Vice Manager of Investment (known as WMI), Deputy Underwriter (known as WPEE) and Sharia Capital Market expertise (known as ASPM).

The meeting was also attended by training for the Broker Dealer Marketing held at the Indonesian Stock Exchange Denpasar Representative Office with the number of participants was no more than 26 people who came from various groups of many institutions including students from the Udayana university.

All the participants who attended the training and passed the exam got certificate of graduation given by TICMI that can be used to get profession permit application to the FSA. (ayuniantari)