Sharing Session

Friday, May 27, 2022. The Graduate will hold a Sharing Session "Transdisciplinary Approach in Research and Education" at the Graduate Hall of Udayana University in a hybrid manner which is attended by participants from the Director/Dean, Lecturers and Students of PTN/PTS Postgraduate Bali Province. This event invited resource persons Dr. CHURCHILL, Daniel is the Academic Unit of Teacher Education and Learning Leadership of The University of Hong Kong with Moderator Dr.Ngurah Indra ER, ST., MSc is a Postgraduate UPIKS.

This event was opened by the Chancellor of Udayana University who was represented by the Director of Postgraduate Prof. Ir. Linawati, M.Eng.Sc.,Ph.D. In his speech, he said that by holding this event, it could provide broad insight into transdisciplinarity. transdisciplinary provides opportunities to go beyond individual disciplines to collaborate to build knowledge and create solutions to global problems.

Dr CHURCHILL, Daniel as resource persons in his presentation explained that today's big and complex challenges cannot be solved by traditional disciplinary approaches. The approach used must be transdisciplinary.

Transdisciplinary learning is the exploration of a relevant concept, issue or problem that integrates the perspectives of multiple disciplines to connect new knowledge and deeper understanding to real-life experiences. The concept of transdisciplinary learning is a major level of collaboration for building new disciplines. Best practice in a transdisciplinary environment is not to compartmentalize learning, but rather to explore content in the context of inquiry.

Transdisciplinary learning requires all teachers to be involved and collaborate.

It is important to note that the main goal of transdisciplinary learning is to understand the world around us, and that learning must be contextualized and applied to real life, far beyond the traditional notion of "school".

Further quotes from "Learning and Teaching" include: "It has relevance across subjects and transcends subject boundaries to connect to the real world" and "transdisciplinary is different from multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary because of its goals and understanding of the current state of the world. "

This approach is not exclusive to PYP. Much of what children do is naturally transdisciplinary as they play, construct, discover, create, question, design, and explore to understand the people, places, things, and events in their lives.

Dr. Daniel Churchill concludes, "The goal of a transdisciplinary approach to learning and research is to promote economic development, individual development, and ultimately a better world."