Supporting the Development of the Free Learning Curriculum - Free Campus, The Rector of Udayana University Prepares Incentives

The Learning Development and Quality Assurance Institute (LP3M) of Udayana University held an Evaluation of the Independent Learning Program - Free Campus and Socialization of Higher Education Curriculum which took place online through the Webex Unud application, Monday (19/10/2020).

This activity was opened by the Rector of Udayana University and attended by the Vice Rector I, Deputy Rector III, Head of Institutions, Faculty Leaders, Koorprodi and several related units by presenting three speakers namely Prof. Dr. Ir. G.P Ganda Putra, MP (Chairman of the LP3M Curriculum Development Center), Dr. Ir. I Ketut Sardiana, M.Si and Head of LPPM Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, MP and as Moderator of the Secretary of LP3M I Nyoman Budiarsa, Ph.D. The material presented was Adjustment of the Higher Education Curriculum (KPT) in the Implementation of the Independent Learning-Independent Campus Program, Student Activities and the Implementation of the Independent Learning Policy: Independent Campus and Building Village / Thematic KKN Free Learning-Independent Campus.

Head of LP3M Unud Prof. Ni Wayan Sri Suprapti said that this activity was a follow-up to the results of the Leadership Meeting some time ago regarding the evaluation of the achievements of the Merdeka Learning - Merdeka Campus program to find solutions to the obstacles faced. On this occasion the Chairperson of LP3M also explained the achievements of Udayana University in the Merdeka Learning program - Independent Campus.

The Rector of Udayana University Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi in his speech conveyed that the Leadership Meeting had discussed independent learning which is one part of the signed performance contract. The spearhead of implementing this program is the Study Program and so far we have not adjusted the existing curriculum. This activity is expected to become a media to equalize perceptions and also to follow up the Study Program curriculum to accommodate eight programs in independent learning. Prodi to equalize the SKS so that it can be registered with PD Dikti. The purpose of independent learning is to increase the competence of graduates and this is in accordance with the vision of excellence and to broaden the knowledge of graduates and make it easier to be accepted in the job market. Faculty Leaders are expected to be able to coordinate this program as well as possible. For study programs that have succeeded in creating a curriculum, incentives have been provided and the submission is expected not to pass the 2020 fiscal year.

In the material presented by the resource person, the objective of Merdeka Belajar - Kampus Merdeka is to encourage students to gain learning experiences with various additional competencies outside the study program and / or outside their campus. Fulfillment of the period and study load for undergraduate or applied undergraduate students can be carried out by (1) following the entire learning process in the study program at tertiary institutions according to the period and study load; and (2) following the learning process in the study program to fulfill part of the study period and load and the rest following the learning process outside the study program.

Curriculum development with the implementation of Free Learning - Merdeka Campus needs to pay attention to four things, namely (1) staying focused on achieving SKL / CPL, (2) ensuring the fulfillment of the right to study for a maximum of 3 semesters, so that students gain learning experience with additional competencies that are relevant to CPL Study Program (3) with the implementation of Merdeka Belajar - Merdeka Campus, students get real-world learning experiences according to their profile or scope of work, and (4) the curriculum that is designed and implemented is flexible and able to adapt to the development of science and technology (scientific vision) and demands of the field of work (market signal).