SIJUNA Exist to Facilitate Journal Management

To facilitate the management of journals existing in Udayana University, UPT Library of Udayana University in collaboration with USDI Udayana University, launched SIJUNA (Journal Information System), an information technology-based application for journal database, on Wednesday (08/05/2019) in Postgraduate Room at Sudirman Campus, Udayana University. This activity was also filled with Socialization of  Monitoring and Evaluation System of Udayana University using SIJUNA.

There are 96 active journals from Udayana University lecturers that have been recorded in SIJUNA journal database. The journal was originally stored by LP3M and then transferred to UPT Library within past 1 year to be re-recorded. "Once there were 108 journals stored, but there were  numbers of inactive journals so that they were temporarily excluded and will be re-entered if they are active again," explained the Head of UPT Unud Library, Ketut Ayu Sanjiwani, S.E.

SIJUNA exist to provide convenience, especially for Editors in Chief in managing journals. Management of the journal includes periodic monitoring and evaluation of journals  periodically, so that the journal continues to be active and can be developed to national and international accreditation. "With this application, the journal can facilitate the journal team to develop it as it is, so it can reach national accredited journals and international reputable journals such as Scopus," explained Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng, Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

Currently, Udayana University has 142 journals published through print and online, 6 of which have been nationally accredited. "There are already 10 international journals that we hope will be journals from Udayana University indexed by Scopus." Added Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.

There are 4 features embedded in SIJUNA. The first feature is journal identity input feature where the Editor in Chief or a replacement who is authorized to manage SIJUNA accounts starts registering the journal that you want to manage. Journals that are registered can be more than 1 journal.

The second feature is the submission of journal monitoring and evaluation. This feature requires Editor in Chief or who is authorized to submit the next journal monev, from JUPI reviewer team, they will review it so that the system will process the journal into ranking from rank 1 to 3. "With journal ranking "All journals in Unud will have clusters that are used to provide incentives for journal development," explained I Made Arsya Suyadnya, ST, M.Eng from USDI Udayana University.

The third feature is the registration of JUPI activities which contain several activities or training from JUPI which can be followed by registering these activities through SIJUNA. The last one is the Editor in Chief change submission feature. This feature can be used if in case of managing the journal, the Editor in Chief changes. For Editor in Chief who gives the power to replace to one of the management team will fill the form contained in this feature and the letter of attorney of SIJUNA account is sent to the Chairperson of JUPI.

SIJUNA is also expected to be convenience for students who need references quickly . "Students can look for references which related to their duties or in order to complete the final assignment," explained Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng. He also added that lecturers who are researching could use SIJUNA to get references to publish their scientific works as a follow-up in the research process they did. (fan)