On Wednesday (04/12/2017), SMAN 7 Depok and SMAN 2 Purbalingga visited Udayana University. The amounts of the delegation were 356 students and 22 teachers which are received in Auditorium Building Widya Sabha Campus Bukit Jimbaran By Head of Academic Support, I Made Budiastrawan, Kom., MM.

The delegation chairman of SMAN 7 Depok, Mr. Sukadir conveyed that the visit is intended to introduce the students about the Udayana University and Udayana University’s profile, so the students more easily determine the department which is intended and if they interest in continuing education at Udayana University. Similarly, the representative group of SMAN 2 Purbalingga, Mr. Sutasamidin conveyed the intent and purpose of visit to Unud to determine the procedures and mechanisms for new admissions, so students get inspiration and motivation to continue to study hard in order to achieve the desired direction.

Head of Academic Facility represented the Head of Academic Cooperation and Public Affairs giving a presentation on the profile of Udayana University, an overview of the faculties and study programs, information on new admissions, scholarship programs, the number of applicants, achievements, units of student activities and facilities of Unud. Budi also said that the path of new admissions in Unud done through two channels, namely SNMPTN and SBMPTN. For this year, the only path open to the Independent Study Program that its capacity has not been met. Besides that, schools are also encouraged to facilitate students who are economically disadvantaged but have the ability in academics that the proposed participated Bidik Misi Scholarship, which this year Unud provide 800 quotas for student scholarship program Bidik Misi.

During the visit the students are given the opportunity to conduct discussions about Udayana University. The students are very excited to dig up information about Udayana University. This visit is expected to be well maintained for the future. (PR)