The Socialization on How to Fill the Target and the Evaluation Targets Employee Work (SKP)

The Head of USDI Prof. Dr. Ir. I Ketut Gede Dharma Putra, S.Kom., MT (left), the Head of General Bureau, Drs. Ketut Amoga Sidi (middle) and the Head of Division of Human Resourches, Nyoman Suma Yadnya, SE

Bukit-Jimbaran, There had been conducted, the socialization regarding how to fill the target and the target evaluation of employees working on Friday, March 17th, 2017. This event was held at the Rector Building, on the third Floor of Bangsa Room. The invitees were the university's Head Divisions, the Head Unit at University of Udayana and IT departments of all Faculties at Udayana University, with the number of participants as many as 127 people. The purpose of convening this event was to socialize how replenishment targets and ratings of SKP.

The event opened with a speech from the General Bureau, Drs. Ketut Amoga Sidi, who in his speech said that the participants had expected to validate the behavior assessment and already well underway. Prof Dharma Putra will provide the information on which units have not been assessed and beg displayed on peers to judge. The purpose of this meeting is to let you know that if SKP filled in correctly on each unit so we can evaluate the need for labor. Both the permanent employee and contract staff need to avoid the complaints per unit in short-staffed. All will be transparent there when charging SKP have been filled correctly. The second objective is to implore you to please convey that there is something less and in the mentioned here. If there is something less in each of the faculties, please contact USDI. USDI will receive full complaint for the weak points of the system.

The ambiance of socialization for filling targets and evaluation Target Employee Work (SKP)

The essence remun (awards in the form of money) will apply on Juli, when we issued the remun for 100% or 150%. I always propose to immediately do a review of the (Unit Performance average) SKR, because of the evidence point was in SKR, make sure that the activities accommodated in SKP.

Prof Dr. Ir. I Ketut Gede Dharma Putra, Kom., MT also proposed to make the operator. "If there is an operator, it will facilitate the performance of SKP manufacture. So it is very nice, if the faculty and university form the operator. In order to serve employees who need assistance to entre. So if it is formed, I propose to use the contract employees so that employees can be paid in contracts." (mimi)