SMA Negeri 1 Cepogo Boyolali’s Visit to Udayana University

Jimbaran, February 17th, 2017 located at the University of Udayana Building  (on the third floor) has got a visit from SMAN 1 Boyolali Cepogo. The total of the group numbers were 139 participants consists of 129 students and 10 teachers assistant. Vice Principal, and the homeroom teachers. Mr Slamet Riyadi as the Principal as well as the Chairman of the group is welcomed by Mr. I G N Indra Kecapa (Bureau Heads of Academic, Cooperation and Public Relations) and I Made Budiastrawan (Head of Academic Support) as the time moderator. The purpose of the visit is delivered by Mr. Slamet Riyadi that to introduce the Udayana University  to the students of SMA Negeri 1 Cepogo Boyolali.

After giving a brief description by the Bureau Heads of Academic, Cooperation and Public Relations about Vision and Mission of the University of Udayana and continued to the introduction about the environment of Unud such as the existence of the 13 faculties, an explanation of the new student reception lanes, introduction to the Scholarship, introduction to the scope of Unud including the presence of the hostel, recognition the excellence of Unud and many more introductions about Udayana University.

The question and answer session has done by Mr. Agus Solihin as the Vice Principal and also served as Concelling Guidance Teacher, he inquired about the tips for choosing a program in Udayana University. This question directly answered  by the Bureau Heads of Academic, Cooperation and Public Relations that the tips for choosing a study program must be adjusted with talents, interest, and abilities, don’t take their option in choosing the study program based on their friend’s desire. Hopefully, the students can make their best option for their future.

The end of the event closed with take and give a gift and also photo session. SMA Negeri 1 Cepogo Boyolali delivered a high appreciation against the acceptance of Udayana University. Finally, SMA N 1 Cepogo can be accepted back for the next visit to the Udayana University.(HM)