UDAYANA to be Ready for Accreditation

In order to improve the accreditation, the University of Udayana underwent the accreditation process, held for three days from March 23rd until October 25th, 2016 in Campuses which located in Bukit Jimbaran as well in Denpasar city.

Assessors who would proceed the accreditation examination from National Accreditation Board for College (BAN-PT in Indonesian) for Udayana University were Prof. Dr. Bambang Rusdiarso, DEA , Prof. Dr. Ir. Mardjono Siswosuwarno, Prof. Dr. dr. Indri Safitri Mukono, M.S. , Prof. Drs. Waridin, M.S., Ph.D. , Prof. Dr. Ir. Tineke Mandang, M.S., and Prof. Indra Maipita ,M.Si., Ph.D

All that is required for accreditation had been well-prepared in order to show the performance and improvement of the Udayana University so far.
