Udayana University Pushes PDDikti Reporting Percentage Increase

Udayana University held a PDDikti Data Reporting and Validation Workshop, Saturday-Sunday (26-27/11/2022) at Prime Plaza Hotel Sanur. The workshop was attended by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, the Head of the Academic Bureau for Cooperation and Public Relations, and resource persons. Also present were 160 participants from each faculty and work unit at Udayana University.

The Higher Education Database (PDDikti) is a nationally integrated database of higher education institutions. Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, MP., IPU. explained, data reporting and validation in PDDikti is very important, because PDDikti is a source of data for higher education quality assurance, key performance indicators, higher education ranking indicators, national diploma numbering, MBKM program participation, PTN BH analytics, and others.

The Vice Rector added that the results of the evaluation show that currently the percentage of Udayana University reporting in PDDikti is not yet 100 percent, because there is still data on student and lecturer activities that have not been reported. With this workshop, it is hoped that PDDikti managers in each work unit can immediately make improvements to data according to predetermined reporting standards.