Provide Refresh Training to Auditors, LP3M Udayana University Holds Internal Quality Auditor Refresher (AMI)

The Institute for Learning Development and Quality Assurance (LP3M) of Udayana University held an Internal Quality Audit Refresher (AMI) activity which took place online through the Cisco Webex application, Wednesday (27/07/2022). This training presented two resource persons from Udayana University and from Gadjah Mada University, namely Prof. Dr. dr. Nyoman Sadra Dharmawan, M.Si with material on SPMI, AMI Theory, Theory of Risk-based AMI Planning and Implementation, as well as Preparation of Check Lists and Simulation of Evidence Search Interview Practices. While the second speaker explained about the concept and instrument of risk-based AMI, as well as the Good Practices of Risk-based AMI Implementation at Gajah Mada University (UGM) by Prof. Dr. Laurentius Hartanto Nugroho, M.Agr.

This training was opened by the Rector of Udayana University who on this occasion was represented by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of Udayana University. Present at this activity were the Chairperson of LP3M and the Secretary of LP3M, as well as 250 AMI auditors at Udayana University, some of whom were also the LP3M Team, UP3M Team and Study Program TPPM Team.

Chairman of the Committee G.A.P. Candra Dharmayanti, ST., MSc., PhD. in his report said that this year's AMI activities were slightly different from the previous year, where this year's activities were more focused on risk-based AMI Refresher for Udayana University auditors. This activity aims to provide refresher training for auditors, particularly related to the identification of risks that could potentially lead to a decline in the quality of higher education at Udayana University.

Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, M.P. conveyed that the Internal Quality Audit is one of the evaluation methods carried out to obtain space for improving the quality of higher education. The Internal Quality Audit (AMI) of Udayana University is carried out through systematic, independent, and documented testing to determine whether the quality activities and results are in accordance with the standards/procedures/regulations that have been set and implemented effectively to achieve the quality standards of Udayana University.

This risk-based AMI refresher activity was continued with the preparation of the risk-based AMI instrument by the SPMI and SPME Team (LP3M), which was then socialized to the auditors prior to the Document Audit starting on August 2-7 2022 and the AMI field audit will be carried out on August 8–15 2022.

The implementation of this activity is expected to provide benefits for Udayana University, Faculties/UPPS and Study Programs within Udayana University on how to identify risks, analyze and manage risks that have the potential to decrease the quality of Higher Education, and realize sustainable quality improvements at Udayana University. It is hoped that the Study Programs and Faculties/UPPS will be better prepared to face external quality audits or accreditation/re-accreditation.