Doctoral Study Program of Cultural Studies FIB Unud Held National Webinar on Cultural Studies

Doctoral Program of Cultural Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University held a National Webinar on Cultural Studies on Tuesday, November 16, 2021. This webinar carries the theme “Defining Cultural Globalism: Towards an Advanced and Civilized Bali.”

The Dean of Facultiy of Humanities Unud, Dr. Made Sri Satyawati, S.S., M.Hum, in his speech said that this webinar is a vehicle to develop academic culture in the Doctoral Study Program of Cultural Studies. In addition, this webinar is also a medium for institutional development, and a good opportunity for alumni gatherings so that alumni track records can be known.

“We certainly hope that this webinar will become a common space to further develop the academic climate that has flourished among us. In addition, webinars can also be a place for alumni to meet. So that good relations between alumni and institutions are maintained.” said Dr. Sri Satyawati.

Meanwhile, the Doctoral Study Program for Cultural Studies, Prof. Dr. A A. Ngr. Anom Kumbara, M.S., on the occasion said that this webinar was special in terms of the momentum and the themes carried, the axiological vision, and the speakers presented. This webinar is expected to contribute to the formulation of alternative conceptual ideas to solve the problems facing Bali both now and in the future.

“Today, we have the opportunity to invite two resource persons with extraordinary capacities. Of course, the two speakers are experts who have competence and extensive experience in the field of cultural studies. We hope we will get some straightforward thoughts through this webinar.” said Prof. Anom Kumbara.

The webinar was guided by the moderator, Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Sri Subawa, S.T., S.Sos., M.M., IPM., who is an alumni of the Doctoral Study Program of Cultural Studies, Unud and currently holds the position of Chancellor of Undiknas Denpasar.

The resource person for the webinar, Dr. A. A. Gde Ngurah Ari Dwipayana, S.IP., M.Sc., who is the Special Staff Coordinator of the President of the Republic of Indonesia. Dr. Ari Dwipayana delivered material on "Transnational globalization and cultural tactics". The second resource person, Dr. I Ngurah Suryawan, a lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Warmadewa University, presented a material entitled "Bali Post Pandemic: Landscape Change, Political Economy Structure, and Community (Indigenous) Movements".

Based on the presentations from the resource persons and the deepening of the discussion sessions, the webinar resulted in recommendations that it is necessary to study Balinese culture through a critical and postcolonial approach as a result of changes in the social, cultural, political landscape related to globalization. In addition, it is also necessary to strengthen literacy, digitalization, and cultural capital to win global competition.