The exposure atmosphere of each study program by one of the lecturers of FISIP UNUD  

Sabtu (22/04), FISIP Udayana Held an event called Open House FISIP UNUD 2017. This activity is one of the work program BEM FISIP UNUD, which aims to introduce FISIP UNUD more to the general public, especially to younger siblings who were sitting in the 3rd grade high school. Therefore, in this event, the participants are certainly the children who are in the 3rd grade of Senior High School, and also involve the participation of all student groups in FISIP Udayana, along with the lecturers as consultants, and BEM FISIP functionaries as the committee . This event was held in Nusantara Room, Agrokomplek Building, Sudirman Campus Udayana. Open House FISIP Udayana this time theme "One Day with FISIP, Find Your Potency". Open house activities this time quite successful, which reap a lot of attention by the general public and participated in attendance which is quite crowded.

This activity is packaged in the form of visits and try out. Where at the beginning of the meeting, participants are given the opportunity to join the try out or simulation of SBMPTN exam, which is continued with the presentation by one of the lecturers from each study program, and video presentation which describes the routine of each study program by HMPS. And furthermore, given the opportunity for participants to visit the special room of each study program to know more about the study program in the FISIP, and given the opportunity for question and answer session and consultation guided by each lecturer from each study program. According to Indriana, as the chairman of the event, this event is important to be held in order to be able to introduce more FISIP to younger siblings as well as to help alleviate the confusion of high school siblings who are choosing their advanced education goals. (arisugama)