Lecture for Public by Sociology Department of Faculty of Social and Political Study

The lecture for public by Sociology Department of Faculty of Social and Political Study (FISIP Udayana) was held last Thursday of October 20th.  The lecture was conducted in 4th floor of Agro Komplek Building, located in Sudirman Campus. The theme of the lecture was Industrial Sociology. The lecture was not only attended by the public but students as well.

The chairman of the committee as well as the one of the speakers for the lecture, Gde Kamajaya, said that the theme chosen was due to the ambiguity held by people regarding to the understanding of tourism as industry, and the need to enlighten the public about the changes of paradigm in nature and definition of work in post-industrialization era.

Presenting two speakers; Dra. Nazrina zuryani, MA.Ph.D  and Gde Kamajaya S.Pd., Msi, the material and presentation given were interesting and educative, as it can be seen through the enthusiasm of the participants. The firs speaker were was presenting about tourism industry especially tourism industry in Bali. The second speaker explained the new style of work exploitation in post-industrialization.

Kuliah umum merupakan program kerja tahunan program studi Sosiologi, FISIP Udayana. Untuk tahun-tahun berikutnya kuliah umum ini akan mengambil tema-tema yang berbeda sesuai kebutuhan.

Lecture for public was annual working program of Sociology Department of Faculty of Social and Political Study, Udaya University. In each year, the theme chosen for the public lecture would be different according to the needs of the participants. (dessrimama)