Socialization of MBKM Teaching Campus Program Batch 3, KKNT and Student Exchange
14 December 2021 at 13.00-14.30 WITA
Regarding by the low interest of students from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University (FMIPA UNUD) to participate in MBKM (Merdeka Belajar, Kampus Merdeka - The Freedom of Learning) activities, especially the 3rd Class Teaching Campus, FMIPA UNUD deems it necessary to hold a Teaching Campus socialization and other programs within the faculty with the aim of attracting not only students but also lecturers to participate in these MBKM programs.
The activity which was carried out online through the Webex Meeting was attended by: Mr./Madam: Dean of FMIPA (Dra. Ni Luh Watiniasih, M.Sc., Ph.D.), Vice Dean 1 FMIPA (Dr. Drs. GK Gandhiadi, MT) , Vice Dean 2 FMIPA (Dr. Drs. I Made Sukadana, M.Si), Vice Dean 3 FMIPA (Prof. Ni Nyoman Rupiasih, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D.), The Head of Study Program, Student advisor, lecturers of FMIPA, semester 3 and 5 students from each study program.
This socialization, begins with the opening by saying welcome to the speakers, Mr. / Mrs. leaders in the FMIPA environment, student coaches, FMIPA lecturers, and semester 3 and 5 students, all participants who join.
After offering a prayer to God Almighty by asking for guidance so that the event runs smoothly, the event continued with a presentation by Keynote speaker Dr. Ir. I Ketut Sardiana, M.Si who is the chairman of MBKM Udayana University as well as chairman of USCC Udayana University. In his presentation, I Ketut Sardiana said that INNOVATION is something that must be owned by the community in general and students in particular at this time. Innovations that include adaptive, collaborative, competitive, relevant, national insight, and have a leadership spirit are the main needs in facing the current era. This has been realized by the Ministry where to support this capability the Ministry of Education and Culture has issued several flagship programs of the Ministry of Education and Culture which are funded and guaranteed 20 credits in 2021, namely: Internships and independent studies, Indonesian International Student Mobility Award, independent student exchanges, teaching campuses, and fighters. Young. I Ketut Sardiana also explained the requirements to be able to join the Teaching Campus program such as a minimum of 4 semesters, a minimum GPA of 3 in a maximum grade of 4, from study programs with B accreditation, and prioritized students who have organizational experience and achievement. Through this activity guaranteed by the Ministry, it is hoped that students, lecturers, and campuses will participate in the success and improvement of the quality of education in Indonesia in an equitable and quality manner.
In his presentation, I Ketut Sardiana said that there is still an opportunity to register for the MBKM program until December 17, 2021. So it is hoped that many MIPA students can join and give their best for the progress of the nation.
After the presentation was finished, it was continued with a discussion session and Q&A to the keynote speaker and at the end of the event, thanked the keynote speaker, Mr/Mrs leadership, Student advisor, lecturers, and 3rd semester and 5th students, and all participants who joined. Hopefully, through this socialization activity, the problems that arise, lack of understanding of MBKM programs that can be overcome, and various information regarding the 8 MBKM programs can be spread properly and able to increase student interest in joining MBKM activities.