Riyana-Riyani Informatics twins make achievements again in LKTI ONTEL 2 in 2024

Informatics students I Gusti Ayu Riyana Astarani and I Gusti Ayu Riyani Astarani, class of 2023 from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Udayana University, again won awards in the National Olympiad for Medical Laboratory Technology 2 (ONTEL 2) for Scientific Writing. Competition organized by the Medical Laboratory Technology Student Association, Dr. University. Soebandi Jember (HIMATELMED) aims to provide a forum for D3, D4 and S1 students throughout Indonesia to develop ideas or ideas into innovative scientific papers in the field of medical technology and its applications.

The research theme taken by Riyana-Riyani in this competition is related to the environment and technology. They carried the research title "SmartBox: Design of a Sterile Trash Can Using Photovoltaic Technology Based on Renewable Energy Eco-Friendly Environment Towards a Golden Indonesia 2046". This research was able to attract the attention of the jury, resulting in it winning the 2nd prize. This smartbox made by Riyana-Riyani aims to overcome the increasingly pressing problem of waste management in Indonesia. They see that low public awareness of environmental cleanliness and health has a major impact on human health with an increase in diseases such as dengue fever, diarrhea and ARI. Waste that is not managed properly is the main cause of poor environmental conditions. Moreover, the amount of medical waste produced during the COVID-19 pandemic has increased. Medical waste, such as masks and gloves, which is not managed properly can create new problems in the spread of disease. Therefore, effective waste management is very important. So the idea emerged to develop a sterile waste box that could minimize the risk of spreading viruses through waste.

Under the guidance of I Komang Ari Mogi, S.Kom, M.Kom and Agus Muliantara, S.Kom, M.Kom who are lecturers in Informatics FMIPA UNUD, Riyana and Riyani in their interview said that "This SmartBox combines the use of infrared light technology and hot steam (autoclave) to sterilize waste and Photovoltaic, which is a solar panel technology that can produce electrical energy from sunlight. "So apart from SmartBox functioning as a conventional waste box, it is also an environmentally friendly sterilization tool that can eliminate microorganisms in waste."

This competition itself consists of several selection stages, starting from abstract assessment, scientific writing assessment (KTI), and finally the final presentation stage which will be held on January 15 2024. There are 69 participants from various universities in Indonesia taking part in the final presentation session the.

Riyana-Riyani believes that "This research has the potential for significant benefits for society, because SmartBox can reduce the risk of transmission of viruses, bacteria and germs attached to waste, create a cleaner, safer environment and of course use environmentally friendly sustainable energy sources" .