Putu Winda Eristyana Student of the Faculty of Agriculture, Unud Wins the 2023 Yess Young Ambassador Agriculture Program Award

The Young Ambassador Agriculture 2023 Grand Final will be held on May 2-5 2023, at the IPB Convention Center Hotel, Bogor. This competition is a national-level agricultural millennial entrepreneur competition held by the Ministry of Agriculture through the YESS (Youth Entrepreneur and Employment Support Services) program. Through the YESS program, the ministry of agriculture creates strong and quality millennial entrepreneurs. The YESS program is a program between the Ministry of Agriculture (kementan) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

In 2023, the number of this competition will be 1054 people. The first stage of the selection was carried out online by looking for the 90 best participants, the online selection was carried out in February 2023. Then continued with 90 participants, an offline selection was carried out in Depok on February 23-27 2023. In the offline selection, 20 participants were eliminated and the 70 best participants were selected. . Followed by GF will be held on 2-5 May 2023 and will select the 50 best participants and will be inaugurated as YOUNG AMBASSADOR AGRICULTURE YESS program in 2023.

 Putu Winda Eristyana, often called Winda, is one of the agroecotechnology students at the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University, class of 2022. Currently, Winda is entering her second semester of college. Winda is engaged in upstream to downstream hydroponic strawberry farming and education-based agro-tourism. This effort brought Winda into the top 50 selection of the Young Ambassador Yess program in 2023 after successfully competing with many young businesses throughout Indonesia. What's interesting is that before the Young Ambassador competition, Winda was also chosen as the ambassador for millennial farmers in 2020 and was named the youngest millennial farmer in Indonesia at that time, which was confirmed directly by the President and the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia.