On Saturday (15/04) according to the work program of the FMIPA Student Representative Council, the 2023 FMIPA Student Institution Performance (HKLM) 100 Days activity was carried out which took place at BH Building Lt. 1 Pharmacy Study Program, Udayana University and online at the Cisco Webex Meeting.
The event was attended by the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information, Prof. Ni Nyoman Rupiasih, S.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D on this occasion he was present offline representing the Dean, besides that the Chair and Deputy Chairmen of DPM, BEM and student associations from each Study Program also attended in person offline. Online attended by Deputy Deans, Coordinators from each Study Program, core ranks from each Student Institution, heads of commissions/heads of divisions/heads of fields from each Student Institution and non-LM active students from each Study Program
The purpose of carrying out the 100 Days of the 2023 FMIPA Student Institution Performance activity is to evaluate the performance of the FMIPA Student Institution during its 100 days of management, report work programs that have been implemented and the obstacles encountered, report tasks and functions and performance from the core, commissions, divisions and existing fields in the management of the Student Council.
The 100 Days of Student Organization Performance activities were opened with a prayer reading, singing Indonesia Raya songs, the Udayana Hymn and Mars MIPA, followed by a report from the head of the 100 Day Student Organization Performance committee, remarks by the Head of DPM FMIPA and remarks by the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information as well as opening the 100 activities HKLM FMIPA 2023 officially. After the opening of each Student Institution explained the 100 Days of Performance and the participants responded. And the last event was the closing by the Head of the 100 Day Student Organization Performance Committee.