Academic Freedom Space: Halma, FH UNUD Student Awardee of IISMA Program at Maastricht University

Author: I Made Halmadiningrat | Editor: UPIKS Team FH UNUD

"Education does not change the world. Education changes people. People change the world" - Paulo Freire

The Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) is one of the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) Programs from the Ministry of Education and Research. I Made Halmadiningrat, FH UNUD student who passed the IISMA 2022 at Maastricht University, The Netherlands. The educational experience taken during the IISMA program has opened up new possibilities to be able to explore one's potential and spread the value of useful knowledge to others. 

The development of the world today also has an impact on development in Indonesia which is not free from issues of injustice for some parties. This condition makes Halma interested in deepening the issue of development in the world and even Indonesia through the class "Globalization and Inequality: Perspective on Development". 

In addition, Halma's interest in current environmental issues also made her focus on examining this through the class "The Social Study of Enviromental Problems: Between Nature, Society and Politics" for 1 semester by completing her final project through a research entitled "Duality of Carbon Tax Policy: Implementation of Ecological Modernization (Carbon Tax) Concept and Criticism of the Policy Position of the Indonesian Government". The effort to always contextualize the understanding of theory in the conditions of the reality of problems in Indonesia is seen as a form of contribution and dedication to be able to jointly improve Indonesia for the better.

Despite being busy with academic activities, IISMA awardees also have a moral responsibility to spread the good things of Indonesia. The diverse background of each IISMA awardee who comes from various regions also gives an inspiring impression of the values of tolerance and diversity that exist in Indonesia to the people in the Netherlands. This diversity is expressed through the "Nuansa Nusantara" activity which is interesting and educative about the diversity of Indonesian cultural values. IISMA Awardees are also active in humanitarian activities with the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) "Serve the City" with activities providing services to refugees and the elderly.