Strengthen Collaboration UNUD and TNBB hold monev meeting

March 30 2023, in the meeting room of the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Udayana University, the West Bali National Park Office (TNBB) together with FMIPA, Postgraduate, FKH, and FKP as units directly related to the MOU held a monitoring and evaluation (Monitoring and evaluation) collaboration meeting.


This meeting was attended by the KSBTU (Administration Subdivision Head) of the TNBB Office, Mr. Gebyar Andyono, S.Si, M.Sc, Mr. Arya Kusdjana, and Mr. Reza Ramadan as representatives from the TNBB. In his presentation, Mr. Gebyar said that this monev meeting was a follow-up of PKS which needed to be held regularly, besides that this meeting was also a way of checking the fulfillment of obligations that had to be carried out as well as possible. If during the process changes or addendums are needed, then this needs to be discussed according to the agreement of both parties.


Meanwhile, representatives of Udayana University led by KWD3 FMIPA Prof. Ni Nyoman Rupiasih, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D, who also opened the monitoring and evaluation, expressed her gratitude for the presence of the TNBB KSBTU Mr. Gebyar Andyono and his staff. Hopefully what is the purpose of this meeting can be achieved. Rupiasih then asked for an explanation from all the participants who were present, for the Dean of FMIPA who was unable to attend because she had activities that could not be represented. Rupiasih further expressed her gratitude to Mr. Ngurah Indra Erawan (Head of UPIKS Postgraduate Udayana University), Agus Muliantara (Head of UPIKS FMIPA), Luh Putu Eswaryanti Kusuma Yuni (Head of FMIPA Collaboration), Romy Muhammad Dary Mufa (Head of UPIKS FKH), Dewa Ayu Angga Pebriani (Head of UPIKS FKP), I Ketut Ginantra (Ko Biology Study Program), I Made Sakawijaya (representative of Biology lecturer), Head of TU FMIPA, and FMIPA Education Staff who were present at today's monitoring and evaluation. Rupiasih agrees with what was conveyed by Mr. Gebyar regarding the need for regular monitoring and evaluation. With the implementation of this monitoring and evaluation, it is hoped that all activities that are collaborated with can be carried out in accordance with what is the responsibilities of each party, and can provide maximum benefits to both Udayana University and the TNBB.


In this meeting, several things were agreed, namely:

  1. It was agreed that the PKS between UNUD and TNBB is still needed and will be extended in accordance with applicable regulations.
  2. Both parties, both TNBB and UNUD agreed to immediately fulfill their obligations in accordance with the agreed PKS and RPP.
  3. To improve communication between UNUD and TNBB a PIC was formed from each party.
  4. The timeline for document completion is semester 1 (April-June 2023) for the 2019-2022 RKT, 2019-2022 annual report, and semester 2 (July-December 2023) for the 2023 RKT, 2023 report, and 2024 RKT.


At the end of the meeting, the Chairperson of the FMIPA Collaboration, Ms. Eswaryanti said that based on her experience as team for monitoring and evaluation of cooperation with Udayana University for the 2020 period, in the 2019-2022 period there were indeed several collaborations owned by Udayana University that could not be carried out due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This was also agreed by Mr. Gebyar who also said that indeed there were several activities that could not be carried out due to Covid-19. Furthermore, Eswaryanti said that because of this reason, cooperation reporting might be a little neglected. However, Eswariyanti said that Udayana University still has the commitment to be able to fulfill all responsibilities.