Training on the Provision of Handling Covid-19 for Specialist Study Program Students at Udayana University's Faculty of Medicine

The Professional Education Implementation Coordinating Unit (KP3) together with the Education Coordinating Committee (Komkordik) FK Unud/RSUP Prof. Ngoerah held a Covid-19 Handling Provisioning Training activity for Specialist Study Program Students at the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, even semester of the 2022/2023 academic year.

This training was chaired by Dr. dr. Dyah Kanya Wati, Sp.A(K) and coordinated by Dr. dr. I Made Pande Dwipayana, Sp.PD-KEMD, FINASIM and dr. I Made Darmayasa, Sp.OG(K)-Obginsos which lasted for 2 days, namely Thursday, 26 January 2023 and Friday, 27 January 2023 in Rooms 4.01 and 4.02 FK Unud with 159 students involved.

The first day consisted of 4 materials, namely regarding the Development of Covid-19 in Indonesia, Clinical Overview and Management of Covid/19, Diagnostic Problems of Covid-19 Patients, and Radiological Features of Covid-19.

The second day was continued with a presentation on the Clinical Description and Management of Covid-19 in children, Clinical Overview and Management of Covid-19 in the Intensive Room, Use of PPE in Hospitals in the New Order of Covid-19, and Flow of Handling Covid-19 at Udayana Hospital and Prof. . goof off.

The material provision training provided by 9 lecturers of the Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University aims to enable students to recognize, diagnose, and be able to carry out Covid-19 management in patients in hospitals. It is also hoped that students can re-apply the use of PPE to avoid the risk of contracting Covid-19.