Field Visit Activities of the Sumatran Institute of Technology (ITERA) to the Unud Landscape Architecture Study Program

Tuesday, October 25, 2022 the Landscape Architecture Study program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University received a visit from the Sumetera Institute of Technology (ITERA). This visit was attended by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of FP UNUD - Dr. Ir. Ni Luh Kartini, M.S., Chair of the UNUD Landscape Architecture Study Program – Dr. I Made Sukewijaya, SP, M.Sc, all lecturers of Landscape Architecture at UNUD, as well as a group from ITERA (Sumatra Institute of Technology), namely the Coordinator of the Landscape Architecture Study Program – Dr. Arif Rohman, SP., M.Ars.L., with 5 teams of lecturers. ITERA also taught a group of 50 students to get to know and exchange information about activities on their respective campuses with UNUD Landscape Architecture students.

The purpose of the visit from ITERA was to conduct field visits related to the discussion of curriculum system development in UNUD Landscape Architecture. This activity is also a means of discussion about the learning system in each party. The existence of different learning systems is a good means to adopt things that are important to improve the quality of study program graduates. This activity takes place from 8.30 WITA to 11.00 WITA.