Rothschildi Education and Training 2022 Rotschildi Wildlife Profession Interests Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University


On October 9, 2022, Rothschildi Education and Training 2022 was held in the Mandibular Room of FKH UNUD, attended by 31 new members of Minpro Rothschildi. This Rothschildi Training and Education activity aims to educate, train, and introduce the scope of Minpro Rothschildi to new prospective members of Minpro Rothschildi



This year's education and training carries the theme "The Role of Veterinary Forensics for Wildlife", this year presenting two reliable and inspiring speakers who are also one of the founders and alumni of the Minpro, namely drh. Andita Septiadini and drh. Tessa Saputri. This training activity includes material delivery, bonding, presentations, andworkshops.



This activity was opened directly by I Putu Dewa Bagus Mertha Anom as chairman of BEM FKH Unud, followed by the delivery of the first material in the form of an introduction to Minpro by Adithya Fauzan and I Kadek Ayu Wiadnyani as chairman andvice chairman of Minpro Rothschildi. The participants were explained in detail about the history, management structure, work program, and events organized by the minpro itself.



The presentation of the material that was wrapped attractively by the speakers made this session very conducive. the participants seemed to really enjoy it and of course they would go home with full knowledge. In this session, drh. Andita Septiadini explains in general the meaning of veterinary forensics and drh. Tessa Saputri explained specifically and in depth about the practice in the form of the required flow and procedures.



After the presentation of the material, it was followed by a workshop which was certainly no less interesting, in this session the participants were guided by the members of the Minpro Rotschildi to perform necropsies on several selected animals.

Overall, it can be judged that the event was very conducive and enjoyable. The participants were very enthusiastic in participating in this activity until the end. No less important, the role of the alumni is also extraordinary, proving that Rotschildi is not just a Minpro but also a new family for its members.