LPPM Unud Holds Training of Trainer (TOT) DPL Real Work Lecture PPM

LPPM Unud held a Training of Trainer (ToT) for Field Supervisors for the PPM KKN Period XXIII in 2021, Monday (14/6/2021). The ToT took place offline and online from the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Jimbaran Campus, and was attended by 220 lecturers from faculty representatives at Udayana University. The ToT event was opened directly by the Rector of Unud by presenting four speakers, namely the Regent of Klungkung I Nyoman Suwirta, the Secretary of LPPM as well as the Chair of the PPM KKN Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suarsana, M.Si, Ketut Mangku Budiasa, S.Pt., M.Si and Putu Yadnya, SE., M.Si and as the moderator, namely Dr. I Wayan Nata Septiadi, ST, MT and Dr. Pande Gde Sasmita Julyantoro, S.Si.,M.Si.

Head of LPPM Unud Prof. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja conveyed the purpose of holding the ToT in order to provide material debriefing for prospective new DPL lecturers in order to carry out their main tasks and functions as DPL and refresher for those who had been DPL. The materials presented in the ToT included Bali Rising from the Covid-19 Pandemic, Unud PPM Community Service Program Thematic Patterns and the role of DPL, the Covid-19 Thematic Community Service Program, reporting and assessment as well as the use of KKN activity monitoring applications. Inoasi from the implementation of KKN period XXIII is the monitoring of student activities KKN in real time. In this XXIII period, LPPM Unud will release 3,636 students to carry out KKN in 104 villages in 208 locations in seven regencies/cities in Bali Province.

Rector of Unud Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi in his direction said that this activity was carried out as a form of Unud's active role in the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, one of which was through community service carried out by lecturers and students through the implementation of Community Service Program in the Village. Thematic KKN (KKNT) of Udayana University which is packaged in the form of community service is very much needed by the community and villages in the context of mitigating the Covid-19 pandemic. The quality of the implementation of the KKNT Program every period continues to be improved, both in the implementation and in the work program. The role and duties of DPL are very strategic to guide students in every operational step of KKN in the field.

The Rector also asked the KKN DPL so that the community service programs in the KKNT could be analyzed, written, and published. We have the journal Udayana serve which is published by LPPM, and every year the KKN report produced by the KKN student group is not just a pile of displays. For this reason, it is necessary to communicate it through the words "we have a lot of data, but very little is written later". Like it or not, the writing culture must be developed and DPL can start from this KKN. The output of the KKNT has great potential to support the performance of LPPM's service and the performance of Unud.