LP3M Conducts OBE Based Learning Workshop, To Improve Study Program Accreditation

LP3M as the responsible institution for developing learning and quality assurance at Udayana University, conducted a workshop on learning based on Outcome Based Education (OBE) on Thursday (16/5) in postgraduate building at Udayana University. The workshop was held with the aim of improving the quality of learning curriculum specifically towards international certification and accreditation for study programs at Udayana University. The workshop was attended by the Vice Chancellor I and Deputy Chancellor III, as well as the Dean along with related lecturers.

Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara who opened the workshop at the same time said that outcome-based learning is considered very important, especially related to university accreditation to be conducted in 2021. By making international accreditation and international certification the curriculum must be outcome-based than previously input-based. "Indeed in the field of curriculum which in this context involves study programs, faculty leaders,postgraduate. Certaintly we  motivate and give them direction, how can the curriculum be shaped and made. So that later learning process can be done well, then the students who later become alumni can contribute in labor market according to competence and other supporting things, "said WR I.

According to Prof. Dr. Ni Wayan Sri Suprapti, S.E., M.Sc. chairman of LP3M. This event was conducted to revise the existing curriculum in study program, especially those prepared for international certification and accreditation. LP3M has prepared 12 study programs for international certification and accreditation, but during the process of the curriculum that is used based on OBE, the resource persons who are owned by Dikti are invited  by Dikti as OBE learning resources throughout study programs in Indonesia. Came as a speaker at this workshop Dr. Ir. Syamsul Arifin, MT who’s trusted by the Directorate of University in this case the Directorate of Education. With the hope that study programs targeted at international certification and accreditation can immediately revise their curriculum to prepare a self-assertion report. "We also invite study programs whose accreditation is A, because if we’ve got A we can’t stop in A, they must immediately prepare themselves for international certification and accreditation to backup the achievements of Udayana University towards BNPT's superior accreditation," he explained. (FEB)