Assessors Deepen The Infrastructur FMIPA

The atmosphere of the visit from Prof. Dr. IR. Mardjono Siswosuwarnoke Faculty of mathematics and natural sciences (FMIPA)      

After visiting the Faculty of engineering in Jimbaran, Asesor BAN-PT, Prof. Dr. IR. Mardjono Siswosuwarno continued his visit to the Faculty of mathematics and natural sciences (FMIPA), Bukit Jimbaran. On this occasion, Prof. Dr. IR. Mardjono Siswosuwarno deepen existing the infrastructur at the Faculty of Mathematics and natural sciences (FMIPA).

The meeting took place in the meeting room with the Chemistry Department was accompanied by the Dean of FMIPA, Drs. Ida Bagus Made Suaskara, M. Si., along with the Vice Dean, and all the heads of existing Courses in that faculty, and also present some of the Professors who teach in the science faculty. As for the Faculty of sciences has six Courses i.e., chemistry, biology, Pharmacy, physics, mathematics, and computer science.

At the meeting also discussed about advantages and disadvantages of sciences Faculty-owned. Advantages and disadvantages are discussed in this meeting concerning the facilities and infrastructure that has been owned by the Faculty of sciences.

As for some of the excess that has been owned by the Faculty of SCIENCES of Pharmaceutical Studies Program is the process of making the drug for patients with disorders of the fat. This process is already running from 2013, and has now entered the stage of clinical trials. Stages of clinical trials it will take as long as two years. Then the expected results of this drug production already can be sold in the next five years.

Not only pharmaceutical, computer science courses also display its superiority, namely Engineering Informatics (it) make the e-Culture Heritage which is a digitizing culture. Where e-Culture Heritage serves as the shelter all information culture in Bali.

Informatics Engineering also make the program Smart City that has been running the results of cooperation with the Government of the city of Denpasar. One part of the Smart City is Denpasar Pro who plays hold Denpasar public complaints online, and there is also the creation of Keyboard Characters.(arisugama)