Udayana University Holds Socialization and Promotion of Transformation of the 2023 New Student Admissions National Selection Mechanism (SNPMB)

Udayana University (Unud) was entrusted by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia to host the 2023 Socialization and Promotion of the Transformation of the National Selection Mechanism for New Student Admissions (SNPMB). This activity was held at the Widya Sabha Auditorium, Bukit Jimbaran Campus, Thursday (15/12/ 22).

The activity which took place in a hybrid manner was attended by the Head of the Education Assessment Center, Kemdikbudristek, Asrijanty MA., Ph.D, and as the speaker the Chief Executive of SNPMB, Prof. Dr. Ir Budi Prasetyo Widyobroto, DESS., DEA., IPU, as well as the academic community at University environment. This activity was attended by representatives of Participating PTNs and Principals of SMA/SMK/Equivalent Schools throughout Bali, as well as students who attended both offline and online.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja MP., IPU said, from this activity the socialization participants would be given a new understanding of the selection mechanism for new student admissions in 2023. Both for PTN as the organizer, heads of relevant agencies, high school/vocational high school principals/MA /Equally, students and society in general. "We hope that the presentation presented can provide comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the new student admission pattern," he said.

Prof. Rai Temaja added, referring to Permendikbudristek Number 48 of 2022 concerning Admission of New Students, there are three pathways namely the National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP), the National Selection Based on Tests (SNBT), and the Independent Selection pathway. This policy aims to link the transformations, changes, dynamics that have been developed through the Merdeka Learning policy from primary to secondary education with the transformations carried out in higher education and the Merdeka Campus.

According to Prof. Rai, there will be differences in the acceptance pattern for the 2023 selection. There will be changes, especially in the test-based admissions system. One of them is related to the number of subjects that will be used as part of the new student acceptance indicator. “In the past, only a few subjects were used as a component for accepting new students. Whereas now all the subjects as components, yes the average value, is part of the acceptance indicator. In addition, there are certain subjects required by each study program," he explained.

Besides that, Unud also said that it had prepared itself. In fact, Unud has been intensively seeking information regarding what special subjects are additional to each study program. In essence, Unud is ready with a new admissions system. According to the capacity, Udayana University has set a quota for the SNBP route of 30 percent, a minimum of 40 percent for the SNBT route, and a maximum of 30 percent for the independent selection route.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Education Assessment Center at the Ministry of Education and Culture, Asrijanty MA PhD, explained that the change in the selection system for admitting new students was made to align policies on basic and secondary education and higher education. The hope is that this alignment will lead to the creation of superior Indonesian human resources, which will later determine the quality of the nation to become an advanced nation, not left behind, as well as updated with developments in science and technology.

"Strengthening character and building competence is greatly influenced during the learning process at the elementary and secondary levels. So the teacher pays attention to all aspects of student development. Then this is synchronized during the selection of student admissions in tertiary institutions. One example, SNBP uses report card scores from all subjects, as well as evidence of talent and interest," he said.