Discussing Independent Learning on Independent Campus (MBKM), BEM of Udayana University Holds Udayana Dialogue

The Student Executive Board (BEM) of Udayana University (Unud) held a Udayana Dialogue related to the Independent Learning of the Independent Campus (MBKM) located in AA Djelantik Room, Faculty of Medicine, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar. Friday, (19/8/22).

The dialogue was officially opened by the Rector of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.IPU., and also attended by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Deans, Head of BKM, Head of BAKH, Coordinator of Student Interests, Reasoning, and Information, Student Welfare Coordinator, Coordinator of S0 and S1 Study Programs, MBKM Coordinator and Secretary, MBKM Working Group, Head of UPO and Head of Faculty BEM. In this dialogue, speakers from the MBKM Coordinator of Udayana University, Dr. Ir. I Ketut Sardiana, M.Si with the moderator I Wayan Sutirta.

Chairman of the Unud Student Executive Board Daril Dwiputra in his speech said that the Udayana dialogue is expected to be a comfortable forum for all students and leaders, this is a place where we can meet and convey directly the aspirations that have been discussed previously related to the Merdeka Learning Campus program (MBKM). ).

There are several points that will be discussed in this meeting, including: 1). Problems and issues regarding MBKM, 2). MBKM socialization problems in each faculty, 3). Problems related to credit conversion, 4). Between mandatory and not MBKM is still the pros and cons of each faculty, 5). The 30% problem that requires students to take part in the MBKM program and 6). Students' interest in participating in the MBKM program is still a problem in the faculty. He hopes that these six problems can be discussed and found solutions so that later this dialogue can produce a charter that can be guarded, both from students, lecturers and education staff for the progress of Udayana University.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Unud in his speech conveyed that the integrity or progress of a state university recently is determined by the performance achievements of the university itself. At Udayana University and other universities, there are two performance contracts, including a performance contract with the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research, Technology and Higher Education regarding the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in which MBKM is included, while the second performance contract is with the Ministry of Finance relating to financial governance and asset empowerment. The ministry mandates that MBKM participants in a university make up 30% of the university's student body.

The first thing to do is of course how to socialize so that student participation is greater. "So our target is 6,000, hopefully later it will be achieved, and secondly we provide a much larger budget than before for student activities, so that it is possible now to record student achievements as MBKM, given appreciation, given incentives, exemptions or UKT waivers for students. that fulfills the MBKM in the context of achievement," he said.

Currently, Unud has improved the student recruitment system, in addition to the SNMPTN, SBMPTN and Independent Pathways, on the independent track, Unud recruits outstanding students in both academic and non-academic fields. The Vice Rector for student affairs has also been given input to do things related to student achievement such as fostering and others related to student achievement. In this case, the Rector hopes that the Rector's performance contract related to the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in which there is MBKM can be carried out as well as possible. "Let's do whatever is best so that this achievement can be achieved and hopefully Udayana University can advance like universities at the national level, at the regional level in Asia Pacific and at the world level," said the Rector.