Online Assessment of the Lung Disease Specialist Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University by the LAM-PTKes Assessor Team

LAM-PTKes conducted a Field Assessment in the context of Accreditation of the Lung Disease Specialist Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University which took place virtually, Thursday (10/12/2020).

The team of assessors from LAM-PTKes who were present were Prof. dr. Wiwien Heru Wiyono, Ph.D., Sp.P (K) from UI and Dr. dr. Amira Permatasari Tarigan, M.Ked (Paru) Sp.P (K) from USU.

Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. I Ketut Suyasa said that the implementation of this field assessment has been long awaited, considering that accreditation is an important thing to see and evaluate the educational process in the Lung Disease Study Program. Through this assessment process, it is hoped that they can see what the Study Program has done so that in the future they can better manage the Study Program and contribute to the development of lung disease science. The team of assessors who were present were also expected to provide input for the Study Program, so that they could carry out their duties and mandate in maintaining the spirit of education properly.

The President Director of Sanglah Hospital, dr. I Wayan Sudana, M.Kes supports the implementation of this accreditation for Prodi which is very useful in terms of services in hospitals and improving the quality of human resources, which will result in good service. Service, education and research activities must be compatible and mutually supportive. To get good service, of course, it must be supported by good education. Sanglah Hospital is very supportive in terms of place, patients and other support such as equipment for study programs and it is hoped that the assessment will run smoothly and provide benefits to the Hospital, Faculty of Medicine and the community.

Support was also obtained from the Chairperson of the Indonesian College of Pulmonology and Respiration Medicine Prof. Faisal and hopes to get the best results so he can appoint Prodi. In Indonesia there are already 11 and six of them are already running and producing graduates, it is hoped that this study program can follow in the footsteps of other study programs that were established first. The Chairperson of the College also gave his appreciation to the Deans and Chancellors who have facilitated the establishment of this Study Program.

The Rector of Udayana University Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi in his speech said that accreditation is very important for Prodi because it reflects the education process has been running according to the provisions, both in terms of input, learning process and output produced. This is also in accordance with the Tridharma of Higher Education. The Rector expressed his gratitude for the implementation of the field assessment in the framework of this accreditation, so that the graduates received official recognition at the national level. The Rector also gave his appreciation to all parties who had contributed and hoped that the Study Program would get the best score.

While representatives of Prof. Wiwien congratulated Bali on being able to declare a Pulmonology Department which is expected to be stronger in developing lung disease science in Bali and producing pulmonary specialists. In this assessment process, it is expected that real data support related to what has been written in the form and the assessment process will run smoothly.