Electrical Engineering Study Program FT Unud Visited BAN-PT Assessor Team

Jimbaran - Electrical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, received a visit from the BAN-PT Assessor Team in the framework of "Study Program Accreditation Visitation" (11/09/2018), located in the Meeting Room, Lt. III Dean Building of the Faculty of Engineering, Unud Jimbaran Campus. The assessor team consisting of Prof. Dr. Ir. Sasongko Pramonohadi, DEA (UGM) and Dr. Ir. Gunawan Wibisono (UI) was received directly by the Rector of Unud, Prof. Dr. dr. Anak Agung Raka Sudewi, Sp.S (K), and accompanied by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT., Ph.D, Deputy Dean III of Unud Engineering Ir. I Nyoman Budiastra, M.Erg and Coordinator of the Electrical Engineering Study Program Dr. Ida Bagus Gede Manuaba, ST., MT.

This activity was also attended by the Chairperson of the USDI, Secretary of LP3M, LPPM, a representative from the UPTana University Library Unit to support the visitation. The Rector hopes that this activity will run smoothly, and the Electrical Engineering Study Program gets the best value. (HM)