Denpasar - Tuesday, August 21, 2018, at the Postgraduate Building Hall, Udayana University held a "Workshop and Socialization of the Utilization of Dikti PD". The workshop was opened by the Chancellor of Unud, Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi, Sp.S (K) followed by the Leaders, Kooprodi and SIMAK Operators by presenting resource persons Head of Data and Information Center (PUSDATIN) Science and Technology and Higher Education Kemenristekdikti, Dr. Andika Fajar, M.Eng and Head of USDI Unud. The material presented in the Workshop was the exposure of policies regarding PD Dikti and the application of technical guidance in PD Dikti and Information System Services at Udayana University.

Chancellor of Unud, Prof. Dr. dr. A A. Raka Sudewi, Sp.S (K) in his remarks said that the development of Science and Technology and Higher Education has a great contribution to national development in improving the progress and welfare of the community. Through the development of science and technology and higher education is expected to be able to produce technology products, innovation, and skilled human resources to meet the needs of the community. In relation to this, an integrated information technology system is one of the absolute needs that must be met by every work unit within the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, especially at Udayana University.

The Higher Education Data Base is currently very important for the development of the world of education in Indonesia. Therefore, the participation of all stakeholders both in study programs, faculties and at the university level is very much needed in data collection, information dissemination or publication, and intensive data updating so as to produce good, fast, accurate and timely data reporting.

Higher Education Databases have become a source of data and information from various institutions, both government and non-government institutions, such as: Institutions, Accreditation, recruitment of workers, and most importantly, one of the assessment parameters in ranking universities in Indonesia.

Through this activity, the Chancellor hopes to increase awareness and understanding of the importance of data and information and ensure that data recorded at the Data Base of Unud and PDDikti has quality reporting that is ordered, complete, valid and accountable. (HM)