Jimbaran - After attending the university-level New Student Campus Life Recognition (PKKMB), new students at Udayana University took part in the Student Day event which was held for two days (15-16 August 2018) at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Bukit Jimbaran Campus. This Student Day took the theme of "Ksatria Kosala Dharma Negara" which means that the Knights who love harmony by giving priority to the nature of tolerance towards all people regardless of ethnicity, race, religion and class and also respect and respect for diversity that strengthens the sense of unity and unity.

The activity which was opened directly by the Chancellor of Unud, Prof. Dr. dr. A.A Raka Sudewi, Sp. S (K) is intended to introduce student activities that exist in the university environment and to foster love for the alma mater. The first day of the event was filled with an introduction to student organizations, Studium General and the Community Cultural Performance. The second day was filled with performances and presentations of each Student Activity Unit (UKM) in the Udayana University environment and the delivery of information on activities in the faculty. The participants of the activity were new students and old students who had not participated in the previous Student Day which was divided into 28 clusters with each cluster of approximately 160 participants.

President of BEM PM Unud, Khosyi Rukito in his speech said that it takes many young people to fix the values ​​that have come out of the corridor. For this reason, students are expected to be able to become leaders of the nation and work together to advance Indonesia in the future. Through Student Day, new students must know each other among students in one cluster and exchange cultures considering that Indonesia is united by diversity, "progressive and dynamic thinking without eliminating the rules that should be Khosyi's hopes". New students are also invited to devote themselves to Indonesia and love the alma mater of Udayana University.

Chancellor of Unud, Prof. Dr. dr. A A. Raka Sudewi, Sp. S (K) in his speech said that the theme taken in the Student Day this time could not be separated from the values ​​of nationalism which refers to four pillars. The Chancellor explained that this student day activity was intended to mentally prepare and provide an overview of student activities as well as instill patriotism and love behavior and defend the country to produce superior, independent and cultured students. Through this activity, the Chancellor hopes that the implementation will prioritize the sense of humanism and its implementation refers to the principle of brotherhood and avoids "conflict" to develop student creativity. This activity is also expected to provide understanding to students related to student organizations and learning systems. (HM)