Nursing Program Faculty of Medicine Udayana University held The 2nd Udayana International Nursing Conference

Denpasar - Nursing Program Faculty of Medicine Udayana University has implemented the second Udayana International Nursing Conference on 4th-5th of August 2017 at b-Hotel Denpasar. This second conference was a joint venture with Our Lady Of Fatima University, Philippines. The same big theme with the first conference is Global Health, with subtheme Nursing & Health Sciences perspective achieving sustainable community. According to the chief executive of the 2nd Udayana International Nursing Conference, Ns. Made Rini Damayanti, S.Kep., MNS, the taking of this theme is motivated by the rapid progress of technology, thus affecting the rapid spread of virus between countries. Moreover, the focus of health now is not just focusing on local health only.

This conference is filled by the keynote speakers from various countries. The keynote speakers at this conference are from Udayana University, WHO Representative of Indonesia, University of Kochi Japan, Our Lady of Fatima University Philippines, Prince of Songkla University of Thailand, University of Rhode Island USA and Charles Darwin University Australia. Speakers and topics delivered by Keynot speakers are increasingly relevant to global health themes, including Interprofessional Education (IPE), Technology and Informatics, and Disaster Nursing which is a challenge in today's technological era.

In addition to a keynote speaker who has been an expert in their respective fields, this conference also as a venue for publication of scientific works for students and health professionals both from Indonesia and abroad. Participants who participated in the conference amounted to 58 participants from universities in Indonesia and Philippines. Of the 58 participants, it was divided into 36 participants to present their research results in the form of oral presentations and 22 participants presented in a poster presentation.

Oral presentation is judged by 3 international juries, 2 judges from Our Lady of Fatima University Philippines and 1 judge from University of Kochi Japan. Assessment of these three juries get three best oral presenter, which is 2 participants from the Philippines and 1 person from Indonesia. While the poster presentation is assessed and managed to get one name of the participants as the best poster, namely from Indonesia. Of all the abstracts submitted, it is also judged by a jury partner and has been established 5 best abstracts and has the opportunity to be published in international journals. So, congratulations for the winners!! (mimi)