Hospital Accreditation Commission Re-Accredited Udayana University Hospital

In order to improve services to the community, the Hospital Accreditation Commission (KARS) conducted a re-accreditation survey of Udayana University Hospital (Unud Hospital), Tuesday (8/11/22) which took place in the Meeting Room of the President Director of Unud Hospital.

This re-accreditation took place online and offline which was held for three days, 8-11 November 2022. The opening ceremony of the re-accreditation survey was attended by the Rector of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M. Eng. IPU., Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Dr. dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M. Kes., Supervisory Board of Udayana University Hospital Prof. Dr dr I Made Bakta Sp.PD (KHOM), Prof. Dr. I Wayan Suartana, M.Sc., Ak and the Interal assessors.

The re-accreditation survey on the first day was opened by the Head of the Unud Hospital Re-Accreditation Survey Team from KARS, dr. I Ketut Widiyasa, M.PH which took place offline through a Zoom meeting, accompanied by members of the Unud Hospital Re-Accreditation Survey Team Hari Sujadi, S.Kep, Ns. M.Nurs., and dr. I Nyoman Astika, Sp.PD, K-Ger, FINASIM.

On this occasion, the Rector of Udayana University conveyed an overview of Unud Hospital as a Type B Hospital and Education Hospital belonging to Udayana University. On the first day, a presentation was also made by the President Director of the Unud Hospital, which in this case was represented by dr. I Wayan Arya Biantara, Sp.An (KIC) as PLH Director of Unud Hospital. Followed by interviews with the leadership and the Board of Directors of Unud Hospital and confirmation of documents from each Pokja. Meanwhile, on November 10 and 11, the reaccreditation survey activity will take place offline (onsite search) at Unud Hospital.

Previously, Unud Hospital had passed the plenary level based on the accreditation survey of the Hospital Accreditation Commission (KARS) which was carried out in 2019.