Study Program Coordination Meeting in 2019

The 2019 Study Program Coordination Meeting was held at the Postgraduate Building on Thursday (1/17). Coordination Meeting was opened by the Rector of Unud, Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi and was attended by the Deputy Rector, Chair of the Institute, Dean and Deputy Deans, Director of Postgraduate and Wadir, Head of Bureau, Ka. USDI, Kooprodi, UPMF and Ka BPU.

The aim of the Coordination Meeting is to revitalize the Study Program at Udayana University because it is the spearhead of academics that is directly related to students and the community so that management must be carried out better, structured and in accordance with Tupoksi.

Udayana University in the form of BLU, requires the Leaders to be bound by performance contracts that are evaluated continuously every three months and the Study Program as part of the Faculty must follow the stipulated rules and have received assistance related to the use of the budget in each unit.

In the Coordination Meeting each Leader provides material related to the direction of policy in accordance with their respective fields. The material presented included the New Student Admission System in 2019, Selection of Outstanding Lecturers, Planning, Finance & Staffing, Scholarship Information, Internal and External Quality Assurance Systems, Research and Community Service Policies, IMISSU and Remuneration. (HM)