Assessor Also Visit Laboratory and Animal Hospital UNUD

Atmosphere of assessor’s visit to the Animal Hospital UNUD
Before visiting the Animal Hospital of the Udayana University, the assessors had been to one of the laboratory that is Laboratory of Livestock Products Technology (THT) and Microbiology in Agrokomplek Building, Faculty of Animals Husbandry, Sudirman Campus. Not only that, the Faculty of Animals Husbandry also has several laboratories such as the Laboratory of Biophysical Chemistry, Laboratory of Climatology Laboratory of Plant Feed, Laboratory of Animal Nutrition and Feed Laboratory of Anatomy and Physiology of Animal Reproduction Laboratory Animal Laboratory Extension and Economic Ranch, Laboratory Poultry, and still some lab more.
Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Ir. Tineke Mandang, M.S., as assessors continue his review to the Animal Hospital of the Udayana University, located in Sesetan Street, Denpasar, accompanied by the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Rai, M.S., and also by the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. drh. Nyoman Adi Suratma, M.P. (kezia)