Community Service Postgraduate Unud

Collaboration between Udayana University Postgraduate and Taman Nasional Bali Barat (TNBB) in order to realize biodiversity conservation by keeping the environment clean by overcoming and managing plastic or inorganic waste.

On Sunday, August 21, 2022, the Postgraduate of Udayana University together with the Taman Nasional Bali Barat carried out a joint clean up in the Taman Nasional Bali Barat Area.

In his speech, the Director of Postgraduate Unud Prof. Ir. Linawati, M.Eng.Sc.,Ph.D said “Thank you for collaborating with Unud Postgraduate in environmental sustainability considering that postgraduates have Masters and Doctoral Studies Programs in Environmental Science. In addition, maintaining environmental cleanliness will have an impact on maintaining the surrounding flora and fauna ecosystem, especially in the Taman Nasional Bali Barat Area, namely the Jalak Bali

TNBB representative Maman said "We really appreciate this activity considering that environmental cleanliness is very important. One of the principles of tourism management in Taman Nasional Bali Barat is to maintain environmental cleanliness by overcoming and managing plastic or inorganic waste. Taman Nasional Bali Barat routinely carries out clean up actions with the community to clean up trash on the beach and in other areas, with the aim of maintaining animal populations, especially the Jalak Bali, which is an endemic animal to Bali, which is the mascot of the Taman Nasional Bali Barat, which only a few lives in their natural habitat. hundreds of tails, even had almost become extinct due to poaching".

"By keeping the environment clean and monitoring the growth of the Bali Starling population, TNBB can maintain the Jalak Bali population properly," he added.

This activity can increase awareness of waste from various elements of society as a commitment to reduce waste and maintain environmental cleanliness, especially in the Taman Nasional Bali Barat area. It is hoped that the community will be more concerned about their participation in maintaining the cleanliness and sustainability of the Taman Nasional Bali Barat conservation area. The creation of a clean environment will encourage the development of natural tourism which will have an impact on increasing the economy of the community around the TNBB area. Let's from now on we reduce the use of plastic and single-use items that can cause inorganic waste.