a. 1999: In KONAS IAPI in Palembang, Anatomical Pathology Section Udayana University Medical Faculty (FK unud) are encouraged to prepare to open the Medical Education Program Specialist-I Pathology (PPDS-1 PA)
b. 1 September 2003: College of Pathology (dr. Siti Oetarini Sri Widodo, Sp.PA and dr. I Made Nasar, Sp.PA) conduct supervision to the Department of Pathology FK unud
c. February 9, 2004: The Anatomical Pathology Faculty of Medicine, University of Airlangga as a coach in the preliminary education Specialist-1 Pathology Faculty of Medicine, University of Udayana, provide recommendations by letter Ka. Dep. number: 14 / J03.1.4.17 / PA / II / 04, approved the Anatomical Pathology section of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Udayana to open PPDS-1 FK full unud
d. 16 April 2004: Letter from the Indonesian Medical Education Committee to the Director of Academic and Student Affairs Directorate General of Higher Education on consideration of the proposed opening of Anatomical Pathology Studies Program Faculty of Medicine, University of Udayana
e. June 9, 2004: Letter of Recommendation from the Committee on Medical Education of Indonesia to the Directorate General of Higher Education (Prof.DR.dr.Satryo Soemantri Brodjonegoro), so that the opening of the Medical Education Program Specialist I Anatomical Pathology Studies Program Faculty of Medicine, University of Udayana can be approved and recognized
f. August 31, 2004: Decree of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Prof.DR.dr.Satryo Soemantri Brodjonegoro, No. 3506 / D / T / 2004 on Operating Licence Program Specialist Medical Pathology at the University of Udayana
g. - The first PPP (2004-2008) dr. I Ketut Mulyadi, Sp.PA (K) and SPS dr. I Gusti Ayu Dewi Sri Mahendra, Sp.PA.
- Because dr. I Ketut Mulyadi, Sp.PA (K) retirement, then elected dr. Moestikaningsih, Sp.PA (K) as a PPP with the SPS remains, namely dr. I Gusti Ayu Dewi Sri Mahendra, Sp.PA.
- September 2009 dr. I Gusti Ayu Dewi Sri Mahendra, Sp.PA undergo a learning task S3 in PPs UNUD
- So in 2010 made re-election, with election results dr. Moestikaningsih, Sp.PA (K) as a PPP and dr. Luh Putu Iin Indrayani Maker, Sp.PA as SPS.
- Because dr. Luh Putu Iin Indrayani Maker, Sp.PA elected to Ka. Installation PA Sanglah Hospital, then chosen dr. I Wayan Sumadi July, SpPA as SPS
- In 2014 the election of the third PPP, elected Dr. Dr. I Gusti Ayu Dewi Sri Mahendra, Sp.PA (K) as a PPP and dr. I Wayan Sumadi July, SpPA as SPS.
2.2 Date established: August 31, 2004
2.3 SK Operation PS: Decree of the Directorate General of Higher Education
No. 3506 / D / T / 2004
2.4 SK Date: August 31, 2004
- Extension of Operating Licence for PS
No: 1964 / D / T / 2008
June 11, 2008
- Extension of Operating Licence for PS
No: 13044 / D / T / K-N / 2012
Dated 25 September 2012
2.5 SK Accreditation: Assessment Letter Chairman of the College of Pathology Indonesia
No. 480i / IAPI / Kol / III / 2012
Dated March 17, 2012
Value: B
2.6 Validity of Accreditation: 5 (five) years
Making PPDS-1 Pathology Faculty of Medicine, University of Udayana as an educational institution that is able to educate and train doctors to become specialists Pathology as Human Resources (HR) were superior, independent and cultured and have competitiveness in the national and international levels by 2020
Excels: human resources that have high competence, competitiveness, and wise in solving clinical problems, so as to make the diagnosis by applying the sciences histopathology, cytopathology, histochemistry and imunopatologi and biomolecular to sharpen the diagnosis.
Mandiri: human resources that have a strong personality and ability to interact with dynamically evolving environment.
Cultured: human resources that have the sensitivity and the sharpness of conscience and be able to utilize the noble values of local culture that are universal to interact in society
General Mission
Empowering PPDS-1 Pathology as a medical specialist courses that carry the tri dharma college based on the development of science, technology and cultural values
Special Mission
- Boosting education, research and community service national and international level, based on cultural, moral, and high integrity in accordance with the competence of specialists Pathology, and the demands of society
- Achieve Program Specialist Physician Pathology independent and professional in the management and development of the institution as well as having good corporate governance (GCG)

Jabatan : Kepala Jurusan/Program Studi
NIP : 196502011996012001
Nama Pejabat : Dr. dr. I Gusti Ayu Sri Mahendra Dewi, Sp.PA(K)
Periode Awal : 2014-03-01
Periode Akhir : 2017-03-01
Website :

Jabatan : Sekretaris Jurusan/Program Studi
NIP : 19800715200801101
Nama Pejabat : dr. I Wayan Juli Sumadi, Sp.PA
Periode Awal : 2014-03-01
Periode Akhir : 2017-03-01
Website :
Address : Gedung IBS Lt II RSUP Sanglah Denpasar
Telephone : 0361-224662 - No faximile : 0361-224662
Email : patologianatomi_bali@yahoo.com
Website : https://pa.unud.ac.id/